A question about Seahorses


How small of a tank can I put one or two seahorses in, also what should I do about live sand, live rock, and any plants? Any help would be great in starting this new seahorse only tank.


New Member
I've been told that a 30 gal tank would work well to have a seahorses in. It might be hard to find a 30 gal tank but I think a 20 gal might even do the trick for 2 of them. Seahorses like to live in groups so if your have 2 or 3 or 4 in a tank they would like it well. I also know that they love to hang on things so plants would be very good, not sure which are the best.
Hope this helps


Mjh.. you need to do your research on seahorses.. they are one of the hardest things to keep in a tank. They require extensive care, knowledge, and the right set-up and they are extremely short lived nd usually very expensive


New Member
bailey.... is right they are very hard to take care of and need lots of attention. It is very hard to get them to eat


Active Member
plus they need a species specific tank because thay cannot compete very good with other fish. they also have speccial needs. do the research and try to find out if you are willing to work hard for these creatures


i have had 2 sea horses for over a year now. i have them in a 29 gallon tank. mine are wild sea horses and i have to feed them ghost shrimp. i buy 500 at a time. i have a piece of live rock and some plastic plants in their tank so they can grab a hold of. you cant buy wild ones any more so you will get tank raised one you can feed them frozen brine shrimp and other frozen shrimp. good luck.


IMO, sea horses should be avoided. They are very difficult to keep, they require perfect H20, they are hard to get to eat, you cannot put other fish w/them, they are very expensive, only 10-15 % survive in the home aquarium, how many more reason do you want???


if you tanked rsised ones they arent that bad. like i said i have wild ones and have had them over a year. i got 2 pipefish with them thats about all you can have them. thanks


Seahorses are not easy to keep, but that shouldn't discourage you from trying to keep them. First of all, seahorses are very short lived, they only eat live foods, not even frozen. They also need excelent water conditions and filtration. They can be kept with community fish, pipefish would be even better since they are in the same species. Use caution when keeping them with community fish. They don't need big tanks, I'd say 20 gallons and up. Maybe you should look into the dwarf species of seahorses, there small but only live for about a year