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  1. cheriet007

    HELP!!!!Hungry Decorator Crab!

    Hi, Thank you for a reply,I normally wont post on a board and ask questions as It sems Like you get no reply,Or a person to whom Knows it all. So I Thank you for you answer I am Glad you where able to help!
  2. cheriet007

    HELP!!!!Hungry Decorator Crab!

    HI, I have Just got my Order From SWF, I am quite Concerned,I have Emailed with my DOA,and some Questions about my Purple Tang,NO ANSWER! So Here I am,I have Just got a Decorator Crab I have been Watching Him Eat My Button Coral (Just Once)and Last Night he was Tearing Apart my Feather Duster,So...
  3. cheriet007

    new fish suggestions

    :confused: Hi,I am new to this Board ,I have been reading your post and I have been told for years NEVER mix a yellow and Purple! So if you do I think will fight til death,You should pick 2 different body types. I hope this helps good luck! Cherie