HELP!!!!Hungry Decorator Crab!


New Member
I have Just got my Order From SWF, I am quite Concerned,I have Emailed with my DOA,and some Questions about my Purple Tang,NO ANSWER!
So Here I am,I have Just got a Decorator Crab I have been Watching Him Eat My Button Coral (Just Once)and Last Night he was Tearing Apart my Feather Duster,So I got Pissed and Took Him Out!
The Crab Is Now In A Bucket,Wondering what to do with Him???
I have Hear All They Want to do is Their Back
Once Complete they will leave coral alone?Any Advice???
In Regards to SWF I am truly unsure If I will Order Again,All Of My Items So Small,Peppermint Shrimp so small could not even see!
DOA,A ton of Blue Legged Hermit Crabs,My Fire Shrimp,and My Nudibranch!
I think the main problem is NO REPLY To My Email


Active Member
I am unsure about decorator crabs in a reef (never had one). I personally would not have one for the fact that they do pick at whatever to add camo to themselves (like you are seeing). BUT, I believe they are not doing it to physically harm the coral, just for cover. If it will continue, possibly if needed. Remember I have no experience, just my thoughts. Since you have it in a bucket, if you have no O2 and such, you most likely will not have to wonder what to do with it, it probably wont make it. I have ordered from here 3-4 times and only had 1 problem and they fixed it, give them a chance--emails are slow at times. Do what you need to do for the DOA as stated in the paper that should of been in your box (or go to your left and click the 6 day guarantee button). My problem was not with crabs (expect a few to not make it though), but a gobie. I still have the replacement code to use in the future. As for the shrimp being small, mine were to and I was disappointed at first. Then they started shedding so much I thought they would outgrow the tank if they kept this rate up! It will take about 2 months or so and they will be the size you were thinking of when ordering. So, while you are here what are your questions about your tang? Sorry so long winded, I just haven't mastered getting to the point yet, I try, but as you see it's not working. Again ask here about your concerns with the tang. HTH some.


New Member
Thank you for a reply,I normally wont post on a board and ask questions as It sems Like you get no reply,Or a person to whom Knows it all.
So I Thank you for you answer I am Glad you where able to help!