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  1. bishop82

    Built a custom 125 stand--FINISHED!!!

    Awesome stand Grog. I live up in Peoria area about an hour north of you I'm starting to build a stand for my tank as well. Maybe one of these days when i'm down in that area checking out the LFS's we could hook up and you could give me a few pointers.
  2. bishop82

    Need some help, want to add corals.

    well in my experience with this tank, being a small size, I've realized that I can do my feedings once a day and my water changes weekly and I was still getting readings on nitrates, the highest i got was 80, which is insane high. I since then have removed the bio wheel from the filter and now...
  3. bishop82

    Need some help, want to add corals.

    Allright, as i said before the lighting is a 96 watt quad PC from coralife, has actinic and 10k bulbs. the penguin bio wheel filter does NOT have the bio wheel on it, I realized that after about 6 months the bio wheel itself loves to be a nitrate factory, so I just use the filter to remove...
  4. bishop82

    Need some help, want to add corals.

    Allright, I'm sort of new to the hobby, right now I've got a ten gallon tank, with 24 lbs of LR 15 lbs of LS. lighting is a a 96 watt quad coralife light. Filter is a HOB Penguin 170 Bio wheel filter. At the moment i'm having problems with hair algae and algae growing on the glass of the...
  5. bishop82

    how do i get rid of this stuff????

    I had this same problem after I switched to my PC lighting, I found that my problem was high phosphate levels, the hair algae loves it. Just a thought.
  6. bishop82

    What is the WORST thing you've heard the LFS say??? I got a great one!!

    About a month ago I was at the great fish store in the area, Some of you know what i'm talking about they've been flamed enough with this thread. Anyways, they had about a 28 inch Wobbegong Shark for 175 bucks, I think they are cool as heck but with a ten gallon of my own lol no way, The lady in...
  7. bishop82

    problems with temperature

    allright, at the moment none of the lights are on a timer, I turn the tank light on when i get up in the morning, usually around 6 am, and I'm turning it off around 3 pm, the fuge light I turn on around noon and turn off around 8-9 pm, I've been on a limited budget recently and haven't been able...
  8. bishop82

    Coral starter packs, any suggestions?

    I've Got a ten gallon tank with a ten gallon sump/fuge, 96 watt quad 50/50 light with a diy skimmer in sump. 25 lbs of LR and 10 lbs of LS anyone have any good suggestions on beginner corals? I was thinking of shrooms and zoo's, maybe a colt or kenya tree. One LFS in my area has Monitpora...
  9. bishop82

    problems with temperature

    I've just recently upgraded my lighting to a coralife 96 watt quad 50/50 PC, I've got the legs that raise it above the tank and there in place but I'm still noticing a temperature flux of about 5-6 degrees every night, the heater in the tank is a 25 watt one, not sure on the brand, but it...
  10. bishop82

    maintaining a lookdown

    My LFS has one of these for sale for 100 bucks, but he's kept in a small tank, only about 75 gallons and has a bad rud spot on his head from the top of the tank, my friend that works there and I don't understand why the fish manager ordered him no one in our area has a tank near big enough for...
  11. bishop82

    WHat would you do if someone Maliciously Ruined Your Tank?

    Amnonia and bleach... small glass cup... all i need to say.
  12. bishop82

    K, I finally think I'm Ready,

    Allright, its been a few months now and After dealing with the disaster of my younger brothers obsession of overstocking the tank I believe i'm ready for corals. Please someone let me know what they think, I'm Very new to the salt water scene but i've been reading books on corals and reef set...
  13. bishop82

    Need some advice on DIY

    Hi there, been surfing threw the boards here for a couple weeks, and I've decided on a DIY stand, and sump for my tank, ATM i've got a 10 gallon tank, but soon to upgrade it to a 37 Gallon. When I do this I'm going to use the ten for the sump/refugium. I'm wanting to build this as easily as...
  14. bishop82

    Looking for Frag Packages

    Hey Amazing, I live down in Peoria IL, would be willing to travel to pick up some frags but won't have a tank set up for about 6 months, think we can work something out?, this gives your coral's time to grow and all. thanks, let me know. Bishop
  15. bishop82

    torch coral

    I live in Peoria and go to super pets a lot, i agree about fishin times, and i've heard that at world wide pets you can walk in there one day and get a price for a fish come back a week later and the price is 4 times higher, only ever been there once wasn't impressed.
  16. bishop82

    Local Fish Store in IL

    IN central illinois i know of one in Peoria called Super pets, Josh is the night time fish guy, Very knowlegdable ( spelling? lol) and another one in North Pekin called FIshin times, this guy is cheap, very cheap, but some times his selection is quite limited, perhaps because he is so cheap he...
  17. bishop82

    just acquired brothers 10 gallon tank, help!

    K, well after indulging myself in these message boards, i'm at the local library atm... high speed interenet. I've decided to start another ten gallon tank. Keep the one i've got just do something to it to help with the nitrates. I've done a 2 gallon water change, and according to my test kit...
  18. bishop82

    just acquired brothers 10 gallon tank, help!

    I've recently been given my younger brothers 10 gallon salt water tank, he can't keep up with it he's a bit immature for the hobby i guess. Anyways, the tank has the following inhabitants and filtration 1. Green Mandarin Goby - been in tank for 11 months, eats frozen brine and flake. 2. yellow...