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  1. tofudy

    Flame Angel

    All angels have the potential to eat coral and other invertabrates but dwarf angels are the safest for a reef system, but it all depends on the fishes attitude towards them. I have gotten away with putting a flame, midnight, eibli, and a coral beauty all about the same size (all dwarf angels)...
  2. tofudy

    Hippo tang with other tangs?????

    Most tangs are usually safe to be put in groups of three around the same size and kind. Yellow tangs are okay. Kole tangs tend to eat alot of algae. Most tangs are generally communtiy type fish and go okay with a reef type envoriment. Becarefull about getting the tangs close to the same...
  3. tofudy


    Thank you for the tips. :)
  4. tofudy

    29 gal pictures

    That is Dory :)
  5. tofudy


    Thank you. We are looking to upgrade our tank in about 2 weeks when a local store finally opens up. Then we are going to add more fish. I just hope that the transfer wont be that hard on the dusters. (They look so neat). Rebecca
  6. tofudy


    I just wanted to add a few more pics. Comments or suggestions welcomed :)
  7. tofudy


    Here is a feather duster from our tank and many small purple ones :)