Hippo tang with other tangs?????


Could you all tell me by trial and error, is it possible to add another tang with a hippo tang in the same tank. My tank is a 90 gal reef. I've heard different views on this and if it is possible which one would be likely to take to the other. My hippo is a small young one, about the size of a quarter, well alittle bigger than that, but not much. :help:
Thanks all.


New Member
Most tangs are usually safe to be put in groups of three around the same size and kind. Yellow tangs are okay. Kole tangs tend to eat alot of algae.
Most tangs are generally communtiy type fish and go okay with a reef type envoriment. Becarefull about getting the tangs close to the same size so that the large ones dont become the aggressiors. A good idea would be to do some research as far as reef community tanks go. Certain tangs are omnivores and you should becarefull of those. For example purple tangs, sohol tangs and clown tangs.
This information is coming from my husband who has years of experience with salt water fish tanks. And has worked in aquraium stores. Several of his favorite fish are in the tang family. I hope this helps you out. A good book for research is any books by Axelrod. I am sure you know he is the formost authority on salt water fish.


Active Member
Tangs with different body shapes usually will get along provided the tank is not too small. Most adult tangs require at least 6 feet of swimming space, with the larger species requring 8 feet or more.
No absolutes in this hobby as each anmal has his/her own personality.
Actually, a Hippo Tang would require more swimming space as an adult then your 90 can provide. A kole tang would be a good choice for your set-up.
Tangs really like to open up when swimming. Many hobbyists do not understand this requirement and become frustrated when their tangs die from stress due to cramped quarters. A small Hippo can live in your set-up for a max of maybe 2 years or so...but will eventually require the additional space. No absolutes with the approximate 2 years ...just a possibility.


Thank you both for the information, I was looking into the kole tang, and I might go that route. The onlything I'm having a problem with right now is algae. Tanks been running for about a month now with the water being on the money.. 0-0-0- cal-430 0- phos alk-13 and the tank has green water?????? I fired up an emporer 400 to help in cleaning the water, which I hope is ok. No bio wheel on it. just filter. I'm running aquafuge pro but i dont thing i have enough growing in it yet to filter good, any suggestions??????


Active Member
Originally Posted by compinnov
Thank you both for the information, I was looking into the kole tang, and I might go that route. The onlything I'm having a problem with right now is algae. Tanks been running for about a month now with the water being on the money.. 0-0-0- cal-430 0- phos alk-13 and the tank has green water?????? I fired up an emporer 400 to help in cleaning the water, which I hope is ok. No bio wheel on it. just filter. I'm running aquafuge pro but i dont thing i have enough growing in it yet to filter good, any suggestions??????
usually a sign of excess nutrients in the water. Your tank should be turning over at leat 10 times per hour...with over 20 times better. Do you have a protein skimmer? A must for any marine set-up IMO.
Are you using tap water? If so it could be the source of the nutrient content...as well as overfeeding. Best to use RO/DI water available at the grocery. You can also purchase an RO/DI unit for the home.


I'm running a skimmer and its pulling out alot of green crude. but I havent feed alot over the last week. It was clear as can be and then I woke up and it was coudy?????? Just overnight. Its got me stumped.


I currently have a 90 reef with a purple and a hippo. No problems here...my hippo is about the same size as yours with the purple being about 4 inches. Feed them well enough and they never touch a coral. The purple will graze on the glass before a coral. As for space...depends on your live rock amount etc. My purple is almost two and my hippo 1 year old. I feel I got plenty of years until I run out of space, but I am setting up a 180 now so I'll have the room for them later. Good luck.


Active Member
I personally suggest a more mature tank before adding any tangs, JMO. But I agree the Kole would be the most suitable choice.


hi, im with ophiura just dont rush and let the tank mature therefore it will have enough growth within the rocks for it to have a balance feed. (just my little input).(rick) :D


Active Member
I agree to take it slow and make sure or get your system as close to perfect as you can befor trying more tangs. The hipps are one of the most sensitive anyway plus in about two years it will be six inches if all goes well and you will need a six foot tank then. But as far as you question goes, the answer is yes. I have ten tangs together made up of five different kinds but there in a 180g very mature and stable reef tank. Took lots of time and research to acomplish. Or just luck? ummmm.


Dogstar I would love to see picks of your tangs together I love them as well. I have 5 tangs in my 150 rite now (3 different speices).
I will be posting some new picks soon I just finished the new lighting system.


I know this is not a picture board but here are my favorite tangs and favorite angel.
I have 3 yellow tangs, 1 blue hippo tang, 1 Sohol (favorite)
and yes that is an Asfur angel
