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  1. erinf911

    everything is dead

    i have a 25 gallon mini reef. i had a fire fish, royal gramma, clown, sand sifter, mandarin, peperment shrimp, coral bandit shrimp, fire shrimp, star fish, tube anemone, sea slugs, lots of coral, and hermit crabs, and snails. its been up and running for almost 4 months with no problem. the other...
  2. erinf911

    What do copepods look like?

    So I have no worries? They wont hurt my fish or anything? Thanks for all your help.
  3. erinf911

    What do copepods look like?

    Those are it!! What are they?
  4. erinf911

    What do copepods look like?

    I checked out the hitchhiker... it looks like a jelly fish but more fuzzy.
  5. erinf911

    What do copepods look like?

    They are more like dots with little legs around them.
  6. erinf911

    What do copepods look like?

    I just noticed some tiny (really really really tiny) white things on my tank glass. It is so hard to describe. They have discernable arms (12 or so) and a puffy little middle section. Any idea what these could be? Thanks everyone. :notsure:
  7. erinf911


    I have heard three people ask me now what I think are good water parameters. I have a test kit and when I say good water parameters I mean the water parameters are at the levels suggested in the manual that came with the book. Is there something more I should know? Like do specific fish and...
  8. erinf911


    hello everyone... i am a new marine aquarist who is in need of some help... here is what i have: 25 gallon tank top mounted wet/dry 2 50/50 55w lights 18 led moon light 50 pounds live sand 15 pounds live rock cretures: 2 dozen snails 1 dozen hermitt crabs (one serpent star) (one mandarin fish)...
  9. erinf911

    Death to Serpent Star!

    I was told by an expert aquarist that my mandarin gobi would be fine in my tank. I have a twenty five gallonwith about 40lbs of live rock. I test my water and I take it to a dealer to test it twice a week. My water parameters have been fine. I did a water change of 10% 8 days ago. Water...
  10. erinf911

    Death to Serpent Star!

    I just started my reef tank about 7 weeks ago. I introduced a serpent star to my tank about 2 weeks ago. I have/had 2 damsels, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 slugs, 1 mandarine and an electric flame scallop. 2 days ago I awoke to find my serpent star mangled beyond recognition. I went to bed the night...
  11. erinf911

    dying starfish

    im having a problem with my tank... a recently purchased a green surpent star...yesturday the star was doing great, this morning the star is torn to shreds (top of the body eaten away). i think its a mantis shrimp...occasionally i hear the poping noise. i also have 2 damsel fish that i havent...