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  1. haze123

    its definatly winter in seattle

    I wish Maryland would see some damn snow so I could get out of work for feels like spring over here being 60 out side. Dont even feel like christmas time :(
  2. haze123

    Oyster Reef Ecosystem Tank Plan

    also if you dont feel like wating for summer theres a few good fish stores in the maryland area im sure you know about that sell fish and others that are native to the bay. So you can always do that if you have no luck finding any around this time. Im sure you I still see people out there fishing.
  3. haze123

    New DUAL Tank!!

    wow that tank is really going to stand out in a good way. I would really like to see how your going to build the rock work in that tank. It would be cool if you made the rock work look like one giant wall and then had the rocks built around the tubes to turn them into tunels. Then if you got...
  4. haze123

    extreme macro bubble hitchhiker!

  5. haze123

    Putting Faces to the Names

    figured I give in and post
  6. haze123

    Feeding TINY lionfish!

    ghost shrip and mabey cut up silver sides
  7. haze123

    Question For All Ex ***** Employees And Current Ones Too?

    I use to work at ***** and then later quit after what I saw they do to there animals. They dont research what there sopost to feed there animals and just asume they eat reqular food. I acttully reported them to peta after I left and long story short that store isnt open any more. If you see a...
  8. haze123

    Cowfish and Seahorse?

    I wouldnt do a Cowfish. I wanted one my self and then I read up on them, plus some other people on this site helped me out. First off I wouldnt put many fish with sea horses you might over stress them. Now the Cowfish is very risky to put in with sea horses. Not only does a Cowfish put out a...
  9. haze123

    Substrate for dogface??

    Live sand
  10. haze123

    Tanks In College

    Millerman your tank is dope dont under rate your self man. That is a cool looking snowflake though that thing will be a monster.
  11. haze123

    Is this what I think it is???

    haha that does look like a fliter
  12. haze123

    what crab is this

    if you have a fuge put it in there till you know if you wanna keep it or not
  13. haze123


    yeah peta already knows about it they been trying to shut the site down for awile but it keeps getting moved to a new server.
  14. haze123

    In Need Of Serious Help !!!!!!!!!!

    yeah I agree with scubadoo. Do a water change and then wate about 2 months with no fish or longer that should kill any ich that is left in your system sence you have no host fish for it to grow on, also a good thing to add to your tank sence your having this problem is a UV Filter blub. They are...
  15. haze123

    Pods - Someone please.

    try a manadrain fish thats there main food source
  16. haze123

    Anyone know what they are

    you know I was thinking the same thing but here in Maryland we have sand crabs. I dont know what they really are but ill try and find a pic. Thats cool though they you have mini clams down there I would be intrested in knowing what they are though as well. I know a site that sells mini clams...
  17. haze123

    Hawaiian Dragon Eels ?

    haha im in Maryland too
  18. haze123


    Love the pipe fish youll have fun with that guy.
  19. haze123

    EEL question?

    you can have puffers in there. Trust me I really dout that a snow flake eel is going to try and eat a puffer. I think the puffer would scare the snow flake. Just dont add any small fish other wise if there small enough to fit in the eels mouth then there gone.
  20. haze123

    crazy critters

    sounds like flat worms