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  1. davidcanupp

    OT: Coke vs.Pepsi

    COCA-COLA all the way
  2. davidcanupp

    8 inch V-Tail Grouper Needs a Home

    I have had this guy since he was 3 inches (2 years)--he is now 8 inches. He is an AWESOME fish, extremely healthy, beautiful, and fun to watch eat. The problem is that he is in my 55 reef(alone of course) and is just getting too big. If anyone can take him, I will give him to you for free if...
  3. davidcanupp

    Fish Harvesting Techniques

    You may have a hard time getting a reliable answer out of many fish stores, both online and local. But I think what you are doing is important and you may find it helpful to visit <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> or <a href=","...
  4. davidcanupp

    GOT MY RO UNIT!!!!

    I figured out my yearly expenses for buying RO water from the lfs along with the gas that it takes me to drive to the store twice a week, and realized that a good RO unit would pay for itself in less than a year. So I ordered a Kent Marine Hi-S 35gpd RO unit. It came in via UPS the other day...
  5. davidcanupp

    High Silica Removal?

    OK, Kent Marine claims that their RO units with the Hi-S feature reduce the amounts of silica, phosphate and nitrate. Spectrapure claims that this is untrue, as does Ultrapure water. I was wondering if anyone else had any unbiased insight because I realize that all three of these companies...
  6. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    What is the a4dlx? What brand, and what is the gph of that one? Hmmm, you may be right about the metal halides, I will see if I can figure out a way to cut that problem out, and if not, I can always go with three. Thanks for the warning! By the way, I like your website and pics. Do you have...
  7. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    yeah its gonna be a reef. I figured that I could do without the bioballs but I was confused about the biological filtration. If I don't use the balls, should I include some sort of filter floss or something to serve as mechanical filtration? So I realize that the pump gph should be a little...
  8. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    I think that that is going to be the pump that I am going to use. The powerheads that I am going to use are a little smaller tahn you mioght have thought: 4 pengiun 201s, 1 pengiun 301, and 1 zoomed powersweep 218. I have compiled a list of things and estimated prices that will probably not...
  9. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    Yeah, thats the overflow that I am talking about. The only way I know to get it on a glass tank is to have someone do it. I just got off the phone with a couple of people and I think that the center overflow (despite being really cool) would just be too expensive for me. I wanted to see it...
  10. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    I really appreciate you guys bearing with me, you are helping a lot!
  11. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    Wamp, I agree. I think that the built-in overflows will work way better. Thanks for the advise. So, what size sump/refugium would be good for a 180, and what flow rate/pump should I look for? I was thinking about the Iwaki WMD40RLXT, which runs 1200 gph at 4'. It is $159.00. Is this a good...
  12. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    Thanks for your time lore. I actually forgot to include the RO/DI unit. I am planning on using a Kent Marine Maxxima 24gpd ($218.00), but hopefully I will have the unit sooner than the tank. Wavemakers are really cool and I have thought about them. Right now I have all of my powerheads on...
  13. davidcanupp

    Longterm Project: 180 Gallon

    It will be at least a year or two before I will be ready for a tank of this size. But, I see that as a good thing because I have plently of time to prepare and save money. Therefore, I have some basic thoughts and questions that I would like to run by you all. This will be pretty lengthy, so...
  14. davidcanupp

    My New Queen Angel shivers

    That 'shivering' behavior is common with angels. I have heard some say that angels just act like that (my flame angel does it occasionally) but I don't know if it indicates some sort of affliction. Since you already have it in QT, I would watch it and see how it goes. Meanwhile, maybe a shark...
  15. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    I appreciate your thoughts k salt, but if you will do a search on maracyn II dosage or popeye you will find that my dosage is correct per the advise of several sharks, namely Terry B, a trusted advisor here. Such a low dosage would do little to defeat the infection. Thanks a lot though :)
  16. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    Ok so I guess a bacterial bloom does not make sense because maracyn is an antibotic, but how about an algal bloom?
  17. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    I had a thought: the water has a sort of yellowish green tint to it. Could the maracyn have triggered a bacterial bloom or an algal bloom??? Does that make any since? This is a fairly stripped hosipital tank with no substrate and only a few dead calcerious rocks, a biowheel 175, and a...
  18. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    Hmmm, that is kind of disconcerting. I doubt that the bacteria is dying because the instructions claim that Maracyn II has no effect on biological filtration, but I will check my levels. It is REALLY cloudy, but the Angel (from what I can tell) is doing better than he was when I put him in...
  19. davidcanupp

    NCAA Tourney

    Come on rolltide, don't be a fairweather fan :( . Kent State is a lot better than we thought, and Grizzard (though in a bit of a slump) is still one of the better players in the country. Not to mention Erwin Dudley (wow), and Mo Williams (a freshman!?!). I don't think that bama was overrated...
  20. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    Come on ya'll, this should be an easy question. Anybody???