Search results

  1. yelow boat

    Feather Duster

    I bought a feather duster about two weeks ago and placed him on the live rock. He never came out once and eventually died. I went back to the same pet store and told them that he never came out and they gave me a new one right out of the display tank so I knew he would come out. Well he's...
  2. yelow boat

    Wierd bubble around 6 line wrasse

    So if I find him in the bubble in the morning should I pop the bubble and remove it from the tank or should I leave him to get himself out of it?
  3. yelow boat

    wrasse vs.Pseudocromis

    I already have a 6 line wrasse and went to the pet store to get a strawberry psuedocromis and the man at the store told me that they would end up killing each other. I really wanted the pseudocromis so does anyone know anything more about these two being together and while I have only a 10...
  4. yelow boat

    Wierd bubble around 6 line wrasse

    I just started a tank about 6 weeks ago (10 gallon) and already had a green cromis and 2 damsels when I added my six line wrasse. Within the first hour of him being in the tank I couldn't find him and eventually found him behind some rock stuck in a bubble that surrounded him. At first I...