Wierd bubble around 6 line wrasse

yelow boat

New Member
I just started a tank about 6 weeks ago (10 gallon) and already had a green cromis and 2 damsels when I added my six line wrasse. Within the first hour of him being in the tank I couldn't find him and eventually found him behind some rock stuck in a bubble that surrounded him. At first I thought it was b/c he was stressed and maybe that's what they did, but since then I have found him trapped several times in this goopy, slimey bubble and he can't get out. None of my other fish do this or even bother him and I don't have any bubble on my coral just around him. No one in any pet stores I've asked knows what this is. Can someone please help me with what this bubble is, where it comes from, if it will hurt my wrasse, and just what is the deal!!!!? Thanks so much!


Active Member
Most of the members of this genus will secrete a mucous like substance, particularly at night. It forms a cocoon around them and prevents them from being detected from predators. The fish may be feeling stressed/frightened if it has been in this cocoon continuously since you acquired it. Six lines are normally pretty active throughout the day. If other fish are bothering it, you might consider changing the stocking a bit. A ten gallon is very small for a SW set-up and having 4 fish in there is tight.

yelow boat

New Member
So if I find him in the bubble in the morning should I pop the bubble and remove it from the tank or should I leave him to get himself out of it?


Active Member
I would agree that 4 fish in a 10g tank is excessive - especially in a young tank. I think you could be setting yourself up for big problems! I had a couple of fish in a 10g when I started and one damsel methodically killed them off, and would attack my hand too! So just watch out for problems :yes: And just enjoy the behavior of the wrasse sleeing in its little sleeping bag :yes: :D