Search results

  1. cableguy35

    Wanted 75 gallon tank stand and lights

    Hi Im looking to upgrade from my 40g long tank to a 75gallon with a stand and lights I just missed out on one for $150.00 Im in michigan Battle creek area. I can be reached as email me a pic and a price and Ill let you know. Thanks Matt
  2. cableguy35

    how do you get to zero?

    Hi every one I have read alot of stuff in the forums and I wonder how do you get to 0 nitrate and 0 nitrite? I do a 5 gallon water change every week on my 40 gallon and I vaccum the sand and I never get to 0. Is there something im missing ? whats the secret to zero? :confused: Tank info 40g...
  3. cableguy35

    fish bio-load

    I started my first reef tank a little less than 6months ago, 40 Gallon long with LR LS clean up crew then a month 1/2 after it was running I hit the LFS I bought a yellow tang 2 clown fish a bangal cardinal and a dwarf angle WOW what a mistake that was in less than 2 weeks of having the fish I...
  4. cableguy35

    Water conditions

    I found this tetra test kit on line will this cover all of what i would need or will i need to add to this kit? its doesnt say anything about nitrates but i have a nitrate test kit. For Freshwater and Marine Aquariums and Ponds This kit contains materials for the professional measurement of: pH...
  5. cableguy35

    Water conditions

    WOW i just did a search on the Salifert test kits I found a Salifert pro package $271.99 :scared: are these kits that expensive? thats almost a weeks wages for me is there any thing thats less expensive but would give you good results. (hevy Sighs.....)
  6. cableguy35

    Water conditions

    Wow Thanks Dhughesz28 your hit that test kit on the head with the diffrent water amounts and the tilting of the test tube on an angle to read 8 inches off a white back ground, the 2 kits you mentioned sound alot easier to use, and maybe it will help me settle down and stop freaking out so much...
  7. cableguy35

    Water conditions

    Hi I need some help learning the test kit a friend gave me, its a red sea marine lab test kit, 5 in one test kit it measures ph alk nh3/nh4 no2 no3 im not doing very well with it, some of the test have to be held 8 inches away from the cards to determine water sample. are all the kits like this...
  8. cableguy35

    125, MI, For sale

    is it still for sale ?
  9. cableguy35

    75G in Michigan

    id be interested in the tank lights and top and stand cost ?
  10. cableguy35

    Moving...Live Rock, Fish, Wet Dry etc for sale

    how much for the clowns and would you ship them ?[]
  11. cableguy35

    Sea Horse's

    hello I was wondering if any one here is keeping sea horse's? I have a 30g tall tank with a bio wheel filter live sand a few little frags of live rock and live plants for hitching. I have two red and blue pipe fish and 2 sea horse's The problem im having is that the female sea horse wont eat...
  12. cableguy35

    Expensive Fish Die

    I filled in most of what You asked Originally Posted by ophiura How old is your tank? 6 months running with cured live rock live sand and crushed coral, all corals and polyops and anemones doing just fine What sort of filtration do you have? Protien skimmer and magnum 250 canister filter Do you...
  13. cableguy35

    Expensive Fish Die

    Hello Im trying to figure some things out in my tank, I Do My bi weekly water changes, I use Jungle Quick dip strips to watch my tank levels nitrate is 20 nitrite is 0 alkalinity is 180 ph is 7.8, The Tank is a 40 long with live sand and live rock. The problem i have is that i can buy some cheap...