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  1. kleener

    Keeping my LR alive through plague

    keep in mind what a skimmer is meant to do, it's sole purpose was designed to remove organic waste. depending on what type of skimmer (venturi, berlin, airlift etc.)you have they will all produce bubbles when enough air is introduced through them. the idea is to have this waste ride or...
  2. kleener

    Ich Question

    fish were in system for several months, after first signs of ich both tangs died within 48 hours. I have too much coral, inverts and rock for hypo so instead i left the tank empty of fish and allowed the ich to die off with no available host. to reproduce. 6 weeks.
  3. kleener

    Keeping my LR alive through plague

    if your bio load is lower during hypo (inverts, corals or any livestock, including live rock) removed, then your organic waste will be less therefor less skimming produced. same goes for less food offered and less waste produced by any corals including mucus discharge. so it os not the salinity...
  4. kleener

    Keeping my LR alive through plague

    skimmers will even work in freshwater. all a skimmer does is foam fractionation. that is it dissolves solid organic waste BEFORE it becomes toxic ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. In nature this accomplished by waves, wakes, reefs, and waterfalls
  5. kleener

    Ich Question

    have tried kick ick in the past and i do not like the way some corals react to it. Even though they seem to come back from it they have a tendency to shrivel a bit or contract. I believe that anything un-natural can not have a positive effect on healthy livestock. Besides for a 75 gal tank it...
  6. kleener

    Ich Question

    i have a 29 gal reserve tank I use to cure rock, right now i am in the 2nd week of curring previously live rock, when the cycle completes I intend to use that tank as a QT maybe leaving a damsel or 2 in it.
  7. kleener

    Ich Question

    Have a 75 Gal reef tank with 40 lbs LS and approx 170 lbs LR all levels are perfect Salinity is 1.024. Ich started on my achillis tang killing it withing 2 days then onto my purple, my skunk clown, and finally last my gold stripped maroon. I removed my remaining damsels, and my blenny which...
  8. kleener

    Need Help with setup

    Converting a 75 Gal FOWLR to Reef Tank. Currently have a Eheim 2217 stacked with bio media, and a Freedom Aquarium Freedom filter with a rio 2500 pump for filtration, .(in tank skimmer with 2 large porous sponges for bio). and a maxi jet 1200 power head Should I upgrade my filtration? have...
  9. kleener

    Porcupine Puffer Help

    I feed mine frozen krill. he loves it. I actually thaw it out slightly in the tank and hold it for him and he feeds out of my hand. he gets 3 - 4 pieces a day. It took him about 2 weeks to socialize with tankmates, and 2 more to adapt to me. He started out hiding behind the overflow. now...