Ich Question


New Member
Have a 75 Gal reef tank with 40 lbs LS and approx 170 lbs LR all levels are perfect Salinity is 1.024. Ich started on my achillis tang killing it withing 2 days then onto my purple, my skunk clown, and finally last my gold stripped maroon. I removed my remaining damsels, and my blenny which ultimately I could not save. Did a 50 % water change and left the tank fish less only kept my inverts and corals. Since i believe that both inverts and corals can not host the disease, will the disease eventually die off with no host to help reproduce it? and if so how long approx will this take? I am on my 3rd week like this, and i know that my sebea and bubble enenome miss thier clowns terribly!!


Active Member
Leave the display fishless for 6 weeks. This will allow you to be sure that all ich is dead. In the time being, I would set-up a 10 gallon quarantine tank so that you can quarantine all new additions to prevent this from happening again. I am sorry to hear about all of your losses.


New Member
i have a 29 gal reserve tank I use to cure rock, right now i am in the 2nd week of curring previously live rock, when the cycle completes I intend to use that tank as a QT maybe leaving a damsel or 2 in it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kleener
i have a 29 gal reserve tank I use to cure rock, right now i am in the 2nd week of curring previously live rock, when the cycle completes I intend to use that tank as a QT maybe leaving a damsel or 2 in it.
That sounds great! No need for a damsel in there, though.


New Member
have tried kick ick in the past and i do not like the way some corals react to it. Even though they seem to come back from it they have a tendency to shrivel a bit or contract. I believe that anything un-natural can not have a positive effect on healthy livestock. Besides for a 75 gal tank it would take almost 3 bottles of kick ick and at around $30.00 a bottle for something that such mixed results... check out the link below for a scientific review of reef medications and their results on reef inhabitants.


Originally Posted by kleener
i have a 29 gal reserve tank I use to cure rock, right now i am in the 2nd week of curring previously live rock, when the cycle completes I intend to use that tank as a QT maybe leaving a damsel or 2 in it.
The 29 will work great for a qt. No need to have damsels in there as Lion_Crazz stated.


Active Member
how long did it take for your tang to show ich? how long has he been in ur tank? i would def reccomend hypo


New Member
fish were in system for several months, after first signs of ich both tangs died within 48 hours. I have too much coral, inverts and rock for hypo so instead i left the tank empty of fish and allowed the ich to die off with no available host. to reproduce. 6 weeks.


Active Member
dam, they were in there several months then got ich? i think i may have to hypo my tang b4 the display tank just in case!