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  1. hepp87

    green tint

    Hey about two days ago there my tank stated to have a green tint to it and it was getting worse until I did a water change yesterday. That helped a little but it is still kind of green. Any suggestions to what this is and how i can get rid of it?
  2. hepp87

    Whisper 60

    I bought a whisper 60 power filter about a year and 3 months ago and it all of a sudden stopped working. I have cleaned the whole thing in and out and it will start but it wont pump water. I was just wondering if anybody knew what I can do to fix this problem.
  3. hepp87

    Cyano problem

    There is no direct sunlight getting into my tank and i have about a 2 1/2 inch sand bed and i also have one powerhead for circulation. I'm not sure how this has all happened but I am just wondering how i can get rid of this problem quickly.
  4. hepp87

    Cyano problem

    I am using RO water from Wal Mart and I have power compacts with 265 watts in a 55 gallon. The bulbs are fairly new, they are only 2 months old. I am using a power filter and a protien skimmer. I have 4 fish and I feed them once a day.
  5. hepp87

    Cyano problem

    I have a bit of a cyano bacteria problem and i was just wondering what was the best way to get rid of it. I have gotten a Ph buffer and just started that yesterday.
  6. hepp87

    copperband feeding

    What is the best way to get a copperband butterfly to eat and what kind of food is the best for them?
  7. hepp87

    New lights, which brand?

    I am planning on buying new power compact lighting for my 55 gallon. I was just wondering what are the best lights for the money. I was planning on the $200-$300 range. If anyone could tell me what they have and what they think would be the best. Thanks. :thinking:
  8. hepp87

    convict and yellow

    75 gallon
  9. hepp87

    convict and yellow

    Would a convict tang and a yellow tang get along in the same tank?
  10. hepp87

    convict and yellow

    Would a convict tang and a yellow tang get along in the same tank?
  11. hepp87

    adding sand

    Is it ok to add more sand to your tank when it already is set up with fish and LR in it. I was just wondering if it was bad for the fish because it will prob get cloudy.
  12. hepp87

    new fish

    I live in Illinois
  13. hepp87

    new fish

    Currently, I already have a yellow tang, a black perc clown, a purple firefish, and a diamond goby in my 55 fowlr. I am contemplating putting another fish in and if I do what fish. Does anybody have any ideas on what fish I should get next. I plan on getting power compacts to start a reef...
  14. hepp87

    anemone food

    What would be the best food to offer to an anemone.
  15. hepp87

    Maroon clown

    I was wondering if a smaller gs maroon clown, prob about an inch long, would do fine in a 55 without being agressive to the other fish.
  16. hepp87

    panther grouper

    Would a panther groupre do ok with a medium sized black percula clown in the same tank?
  17. hepp87

    VHO lighting

    So it doesnt look weird with one kind on one side and a dif on the other side of the tank?
  18. hepp87

    VHO lighting

    What is the best kind of VHo bulb, the aquasun, the super actinic, or the actinic white? If I were to buy two 18 in bulbs for a 55 would I be able to mix and match or should I just stay with one kind for both bulbs?
  19. hepp87

    50/50 or 20,000K?

    Which light is better or just looks better in a fish tank the 50/50 or the 20,000K. I have heard that the 50/50 is a little duller than the 20,000K.
  20. hepp87

    cleaner clams

    I just bought 2 cleaner clams from the LFS and so far after a day one has burried itself in te sand and the other hasnt moved an inch since I put it in there. Is the clam that doesnt move dead?