Cyano problem


I have a bit of a cyano bacteria problem and i was just wondering what was the best way to get rid of it. I have gotten a Ph buffer and just started that yesterday.


Active Member
What type of water are you using? Type of lighting? Water circulation? What type of filtration? How many fish and how much do you feed and how often? Some questions to help identify the cause of the cyano growth.


I am using RO water from Wal Mart and I have power compacts with 265 watts in a 55 gallon. The bulbs are fairly new, they are only 2 months old. I am using a power filter and a protien skimmer. I have 4 fish and I feed them once a day.


There is no direct sunlight getting into my tank and i have about a 2 1/2 inch sand bed and i also have one powerhead for circulation. I'm not sure how this has all happened but I am just wondering how i can get rid of this problem quickly.


Active Member
thats one prob walmart water. Once i started usign the water one time i got it in my tank. The culligan man might not haev checked the system that one time and they levels were off. Thats what happen to me when i used that water.