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  1. dz-04

    Big Mistake

    I have had my 125 gal. tank for a few years now and everything was well until I started a 30 gal. tank and used alot of water out of my 125. I guess I put back too much fresh water in my 125 gal. and all of my fish got ick so I removed them to a few treatment tanks at a local fish store...
  2. dz-04

    Cleaner Shrimp

    My Skunk Cleaner Shrimp keep getting eatin!!! Who's the culprit? Marine Betta Coral Banded Shrimp Purple Lobster Purple Tang Naso Tang (female) Flame Angel Blue Damsel Three Stripe Damsel Yellow Tang or Maroon Clown?
  3. dz-04

    Sand Bed

    What is the best way to clean the sand bed in my tank? I have a 125...
  4. dz-04

    my poor shrimp

    ive had my coral banded shrimp for about 2 months now and he has done it twice already.
  5. dz-04

    Reef tankammonia test

    I noticed that some of my corals have not come out in a while so I tested my tank w/a tetra test kit and the only thing that was a little high was my ammonia level (0.25). How can i fix this and does it have an effect on corals? :needhelp:
  6. dz-04

    125 Gal. Lighting

    I have a 125 gallon tank that I would like to soon convert into a reef tank. Can anyone recommend a specific fixture to purchase that would accommodate just about any coral. Looking to save $ but want something that will get the job done. Right now I have two Jebo 220w lights. :thinking:
  7. dz-04


    I have a 125 gallon tank that I would like to soon convert into a reef tank. Can anyone recommend a specific fixture to purchase that would accommodate just about any coral. Looking to save $ but want something that will get the job done. Right now I have two Jebo 220w lights. :thinking:
  8. dz-04

    Expensive appetite

    no i'm not sure what the deal is. My other 2 shrimp have been in the tank for about 2 months and are doing fine. its just skunk shrimp? i put them in the tank and the next day their gone?
  9. dz-04

    Expensive appetite

    no why
  10. dz-04

    Expensive appetite

    What keeps eating my skunk shrimp? Purple tang Naso tang Three stripe damsel Blue reef damsel Marine Betta Purple lobster Coral banded shrimp or is it the Harlequin shrimp (he only eats starfish though)... I've had a small, medium, and large skunk shrimp- I think its the Marine Betta but not...
  11. dz-04

    Please post pics

    Awesome tank!!! What kind of lights do you have?
  12. dz-04


    I have green polyps in my 125 gal. fish tank that will not come out. My tank has two Jebo 220 watt lights and all of my levels are where they need to be. Does anyone know why they will not come out. The fish store I purchased they from had the same size tank w/only one 220 watt Jebo light? I...