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  1. bchbum189

    Keeping the sump clean

    id throw one of those micron filter socks over the inlet on there, thatll help catch any larger debris coming into the sump. Other than that, sumps should be dirty thats why they are there, to deal with all the ugly things we dont want to see in our displays!!
  2. bchbum189

    Sump Help

    try splitting the return line into 2 or more return heads, that way the return flow is divided up plus now you can cover more of your tank in different directions of flow with just about the same total amount of flow. Im running a much higher gph pump, but ive divided mine into 6 return heads...
  3. bchbum189

    Anemone crab and anemone shrimp

    i have a anemone crab and a clarkii that share the same carpet anemone, and have done so for about a year now. never seem to bother each other, but i think i got lucky honestly. As for with a shrimp, id imagine those are more docile than a spunky clownfish.
  4. bchbum189

    My Bengals

    got a pic of him?
  5. bchbum189

    My Bengals

    Yeah my male cost me $400 after wheel and dealing haha, and the kitten female cost me $700 after more wheel and dealing. She is breeder grade also but i managed to get her really cheap for her quality. Her parents were champions show cats! For those unfamiliar, bengals are a hybrid breed of a...
  6. bchbum189

    My Bengals

    I recently put a deposit down on what will be my second bengal cat, shes 9 wks old now, and i can take her home at 12 wks. I have a 9 mth old male bengal already, and hes everything i could of hoped for....and then more. Enough talk heres pics: 9 wks 4 wks 3 wks Heres my boy bengal at 7...
  7. bchbum189

    Sump almost complete

    you got everything right except for your spelling of "right" haha, jk. As for sand or mud, the mud is expensive but is nice because it leaches nutrients into the water like iodine and others. A deep sand bed is a great alternative, i personaly have about an inch of mud then sand on top of...
  8. bchbum189

    Wet/Dry vs Canister

    Originally Posted by Stanlalee Fuges require virtually no maintenence other than occasional skimmer and return pump cleaning that and every couple of weeks i have to pull handfulls of macro out and sell it back to the lfs cause ive got to much! My one handfull of macro i bought has paid for...
  9. bchbum189

    sump / refuge

    i ran miracle mud in mine once and had no problems. Run a sb now due to mud high expense
  10. bchbum189

    Anyone Luck With Plants In Reef Tank?

    tangs took care of my shaving brushes for me....
  11. bchbum189

    Sallylightfoot in a reef

    no problems here, and mines gotten big also
  12. bchbum189

    Need Expert opinion on breaking down tank

    i think that mantis is gonna find food for a long time in that tank, longer than you would probably want to stick all the valuables into a smaller tank. Why not put fish in small tank, and begin the hunt for the mantis going rock by rock, and drain water into a cheap plastic tub as to not give...
  13. bchbum189

    Wet/Dry vs Canister

    speaking from personal knowledge, i started with a canister filter, and never could really get nitrates to stay down even with alot of maintanance, switched to a sump/refugium with skimmer(previously no skimmer) and havent looked back since, tanks alot more stable and nitrates and other unwanted...
  14. bchbum189

    What do you do for a living?

    graduated from college a couple months ago and just landed a job as a commercial real estate appraiser, specializing in hotels.
  15. bchbum189

    From a 55 to a 125 Gal tank

    Finaly got some new pics of the 125 gallon reef tank
  16. bchbum189

    Update 15 gal reef pics

    Took some new pics finaly of the small 15 gallon reef tank 15 gal display 10 gal custom sump/fuge and overflow box 2 clarkii clowns 1 Fridmani Pseudochromis(to quick for pics haha) 1 Randall's Pistol Shrimp(hides no pics what soever of him) 1 Pepermint shrimp 1 Anemone Crab Green crarpet anemone...
  17. bchbum189

    Tube Anemone's questions / info

    i have a semi small one, tenticals probably 3 inches long streched out in a 15 gal tank and i havent had any problems since i got it about 8 mths ago. Awsome looking creatures though, i think they are worth it
  18. bchbum189

    Anemone almost touching zoos!

    haha wow, i thought i had a problem with bta's splitting.
  19. bchbum189

    **Condy Anemone.. reef safe or nuisance?!

    ive never had problems with mine and ive had it for a year, but i guess i got lucky. All the fish know to steer clear of it now.
  20. bchbum189

    diy acrylic question

    dont drill close to egdes, as acrylic will always want to crack towards the nearest edge. I always run cool water over it while i drill to keep temps down. Try drilling half way threw and flipping it over and drilling from the otherside the rest of the way to avoid chips on the outside. Go...