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  1. marineking

    Someones going to get it .

    I have a 125 gal reef tank and I have some polyps had a short tentacle plate coral and a purple long tentacle sea anemone. The lfs told me I should use aragamilk for my calcium. He said this is best cause it wont mess up my ph. Well I used it once by putting it in a cup of tank water first, then...
  2. marineking

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    Do shrimp eat them if they are small???
  3. marineking

    Distilled vs spring

  4. marineking

    Distilled vs spring

    Whats the difference between distilled and spring water. I want to se spring because they come in bigger quantities. I am tired of using gallon after gallon of distilled. ANy suggestions would be greatly appreciated. By the way it is for my 125 reef tank.
  5. marineking

    Quick question

    Thanks a lot, now I can relax man it was driving me bananas!!!!!!! Really appreciate it.
  6. marineking

    mixing triggers?????

    I have a Niger and a clown trigger and they are fine together. The clown is bigger, but doesn't seem to bother the niger. They leave each other alone for the most part. Feeding is when the clown acts up a little bit but nothing serious.
  7. marineking

    Quick question

    I have been trying to figure it out for the longest but what the heck is IMO???? or CBA???? I can guess some of them but these I have no friggin clue.
  8. marineking

    baby niger trigger

    I have a niger and have smaller damsels, larger tangs(naso and yellow), clown trigger, and snowflake eel. He holds his own against all the fish and also doesn't mess with anything in there. You have a lot of options for your trigger!!!
  9. marineking

    niger missing

    My niger hides a lot also. When I first got mine he wedged himself in the live rock and didn't move much at all. Just wait a while like what was said earlier. If he is alive and in there he will come out when he is hungry. Also try getting a feeding stick or whatever and put it down in the...
  10. marineking

    180 Stocking

    Im not an expert but I think the people on this site will tell you that you need more width than 24inches for your ray. They like a lot of open space to sift through. If thats the word. But with out a lot of rock you "might" be able to pull it off while its small. The grouper will grow quick and...
  11. marineking


    LOL, I thought my damsel was the only one that did that. My eel is about 13 or 14 inches and he still does it. He has been doing it for about 8 months. The eel has actually snapped at him and caught him, but I think he realizes its not his food and lets him go. Kinda funny when he does it, now...
  12. marineking

    Lower the temp in the tank???

    You said it ophiura, I wish I did more research before I bought those dag gone glass hoods. Now they are sitting collecting dust. But I will chalk it up to a learning experience!!!
  13. marineking

    i am worried guys!!! HELP!

    It is not just called algae sheets. It is seaweed sheets, like the kind used for sushi. I think it is the exact same kind but I could be wrong. Anyway they love it and cant get enough of it!!!
  14. marineking

    Lower the temp in the tank???

    I had the same problem last week. I added two fans in the room, one ont he tank and one on the sump. Also put ac in the room now the temp dropped. Also exchanged my glass hood for the egg crates and now my temp is 8 with out lights and 80 with lights. Before it was reading 86 so thats a big...
  15. marineking

    I want a dwarf angel any suggestions

    Thank you all so much for the replies. Im not sure on wich one yet but now I feel more comfortable getting one. Also did you all have your reef set before adding the angel or the other way around. I figure if hes comfortable and you add some corals he will naturally pick at it to see what is in...
  16. marineking

    I want a dwarf angel any suggestions

    I want to put a dwarf angel in my tank but don't know what kind to put in. Everywhere I go they say they will eat coral ect. Anyone know of a dwarf angel thet wont eat coral????
  17. marineking

    i am worried guys!!! HELP!

    I have a yellow tang, a naso tang and they love the sheets. My clown trigger even eats the sheets. I will put it in and 5 mins later its gon they love those sheets!!! Its a great investment, and if your lfs is expensive try a grocery store because they might have it.
  18. marineking

    I must be crazy... How can I find a Mantis Shrimp?

    If your still looking I know a place here in maryland that has one. It is about 6 inches and looks like a small lobster. The number to the place is 301 248 2500 and it is in Fort Washington, Md. If this doesn't show email me - for the info. The mantis is very colorful...
  19. marineking

    Help cooling fish tank room!!!!

    Hello all, I have a 9ft length 4.5 foot width and 8 ft height room for my fish tank. I have a problem with the heat in the room from the lights and everything else. My temperature is reading 86 degrees. So since I had a ac duct in the room, so I branched off of that to have ac in the room. I...
  20. marineking

    Niger Trigger Question: Growth rate?

    I had a Niger Trigger in my fish only 125 gal for about 3 1/2 to 4 months now. He is by far my favorite fish he doesn't back down to any fish, and he he blends in with my black background. He was about 3 inches at purchase and now he is about 4 maybe a tad smaller. I feed once a day flakes and...