I want a dwarf angel any suggestions


I want to put a dwarf angel in my tank but don't know what kind to put in. Everywhere I go they say they will eat coral ect. Anyone know of a dwarf angel thet wont eat coral????


i've had a pygme(sp?) angle in my reef for a year. no problems with him eating my corals
also known as cherib angle.


New Member
There's always a chance an angel will pick at corals, its really just a crapshoot. We had a Flame for a short time (system crash) that didnt pick and a Coral Beauty for a while (just passed away recently) that didnt bother anything. A friend of ours has a Flameback(?) that has been okay with the exception of nipping at a brittle star. IMO, go with a Beauty. They seem to be the most unlikely to pick, got great personality and awesome colors. Just an opinion, I'm sure others have had different experiences. Good luck with your deecision.


I have a coral beauty and a rusty angel and they nip at occasion but they pretty much are looking for algie, dont seem interested in the coral too much.

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have had my Coral beauty for about a year and a half. absolutly no problems. BEAUTIFUL fish! doesnt nip at any coral.. its in my 92 reef. i have tons of LPS, SPS, Xenia and clams.. good luck with your choice!


in my experience and a few others i know we have never had trouble with Atlantic Pygmy Angels. They seem almost 100 percent reef safe in my opinion. :happy:


Active Member
Lens trick, he is actually behind them a good bit. :D He does chase my Debelius' Fairy Wrasse a little bit though.


Active Member
ya i can tell hes behind them, just looks like he wants them
haha how big is your tank by the way. And i've seen lots of pics from you, got any full tank shots?


Thank you all so much for the replies. Im not sure on wich one yet but now I feel more comfortable getting one. Also did you all have your reef set before adding the angel or the other way around. I figure if hes comfortable and you add some corals he will naturally pick at it to see what is in his place. Just a thought any suggestions on what or which to put in first.