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  1. saltbaby

    trigger has somthing on mouth

    my trigger has a white fungis like grouth on his bottom lip i was wondering what is the best thing to treat him with thanks.
  2. saltbaby

    fish ideas

    i did some thinking and was wondering if i could have a huma huma trigger, foxface, diamond goby, green cromis, valentini puffer in the same tank or a combination of those if anyone has a combination of these fish in there tank let me know thanks.
  3. saltbaby

    octopus lighting

    i have a actinic light and was wandering if it would be ok for a octopus, also i was wondering what everbody feeds there octopus? thanks
  4. saltbaby

    Shy Damsel ?

    well is the three stripe changing color?
  5. saltbaby

    hermit and cleaner shrimp

    thanks sam but i need to know if there will be any probs between them anybody kow thanks
  6. saltbaby

    hermit and cleaner shrimp

    i have a big hermet crab and i was wondering if i got a cleaner shrimp that they would get alone? thanks
  7. saltbaby

    coral light??

    i want to get coral in my tank but i have never delt with it before and i was wondering the best light for a 10 gal. and the price for one thanks , bob
  8. saltbaby

    shrimp and lobster

    i was wondering if a purple lobster and a coral banded shimp would be fine together in the same tank? thanks
  9. saltbaby

    New Tank

    Got a 30 gal three weeks ago and let all cycles take place just need fish. Im comin to the experts here and asking what fish would fit nicley in a tank this size all ur help is appreciated. Charle
  10. saltbaby

    Finally got the 125 going!!!

    wow!!! thats all i can say
  11. saltbaby

    Nitrogen Cycle

    Hey i was just wondering how long it takes for a nitrogen cycle to happen mine hads spikes but has not gone down yet any suggestions thank, charles srry i didnt see the other post