Shy Damsel ?


New Member
Hi, I just started out my 10 gal a little bit ago, and I started with just a regular blue damsel. Yesterday, I added a three stripe damsel too. Although the the blue damsel swims around and in the LR, the 3 stripe just chills by either the heater or filter
is this normal?


give it a week and if it still does that then there might be something wrong, unless the blue damsel is bullying it.


New Member
sometimes when he gets to the top he gets brown, but i think that is just a weird reflection bc the instant he goes down towards the bottom, he gets pure white again


New Member
kind of sucks, hes still by heater/filter, but i think i figured out why. when he actually trys to move, the blue damsel just nips at him, making him retreat. whta is your advice? take out the blue damsel?


Active Member
probably, all damsels are extremely aggresive, if your tank is already cylcled, i'd say take them out because anything else you add will get bit by your damsels