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  1. cdfodor

    Need help... going to try copper

    copper is the way to go, ich kills quick and you don't have time to mess around. I have tried all of the reef safe crap in the past, you would be better burning your money instead. The copper will work, but monitor it w/ a copper test kit like someone said. Hopefully the QT works, in the...
  2. cdfodor

    couple of shots and new addition!

    Awesome tank man! Everyone on the thread seems to be on the right track. However, I disagree somewhat w/ the size of the tank thing. Once a fish is captured from the ocean/ reef it does not matter if it is being housed in a 150g or a 1000g, it is captive compared to being on an infinite reef...
  3. cdfodor

    Diamond Goby

    I guess to answer the original question, the DG gets most of its food/ nutrition from organisms in the sand. You must have an established tank w/ lots of live sand for it to sift. Kind of like a mandarin goby, they only survive when there are copepods and microbials to eat. Aggressive fish...
  4. cdfodor

    Diamond Goby

    Diamond gobies can be tough, once properly acclimated to the new environment they are awesome at sifting sand. I have had several over the years, you must have a tight fitting lid when acclimating. These fish will flee agressive fish and can jump through small openings. Most likely your fish...
  5. cdfodor

    tiny starfish

    I have the same thing going on, I thought that they were baby sand sifting stars because I had two larger ones that would interlock and I'm assuming mate. They are a whitish color and some of them do have different size and number of legs. They do not seem to bother anything that I can tell.
  6. cdfodor

    WTT Snails for Corals

    The hammer has 5 to 6 heads, no pic. I'm more intrested in buying 50 or so if the price is right. Are these Super Tongan with white shells? Let me know, I'll make the drive if you're willing to deal. How hard will it be to grab a bunch out, are they actually in an established reef tank?
  7. cdfodor

    WTT Snails for Corals

    What's up? Are you willing to sell some of the snails? I would like at least 50, maybe 100 if the price is right. I have a nice reef tank and currently building a bigger one and can use the snails. I have lots of corals but have no experience fragging. I do have a green hammer that I can...