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  1. mytwoboys

    New 80g lighting ?

    Just wanted some opinions, but never mind now, obviously it's not interesting enough for an answer.
  2. mytwoboys

    New 80g lighting ?

    I am getting a larger tank in the next week, it's an 80g bowfront acrylic, I think the guy is throwing in some flourescents for me, don't know how strong they are but the other larger tanks he has have some seriously bright lights, he's been doing it for 10 yrs. so he would only have good...
  3. mytwoboys

    Acrylic or glass for bowfront?

    Thanks! I've been reading what happened to you and I'm really sorry to hear it. I can't even imagine the headache much less the stress factor! I hope all goes well with you. Just remember to breathe!
  4. mytwoboys

    Acrylic or glass for bowfront?

    I would like to hear some opinions from you all since you seem to be way more experienced than me. I have only had glass tanks, so would like to know if it's better/safer to have an acrylic bowfront than a glass one? It's an 80g, 4yrs. old. What do you think? Also, is that too old or does it...
  5. mytwoboys

    Variety for YT

    Thanks so much ScubaDoo, I just went and got some stuff and am trying one of them now. Keep my fingers crossed.
  6. mytwoboys

    Variety for YT

    Do I soak like the silversides in garlic or the frozen cubes? What liquid vitamin is good? Oh! And do you buy your mussels from the seafood dept at the store or a pet store? Thanks again!
  7. mytwoboys

    Variety for YT

    Thanks. I feed them Formula One too, forgot. Emerald Entree says it has mysis, krill,plankton etc. in it, is that good enough for those things? then I will try the rest of what you said, sounds good! Thanks so much!
  8. mytwoboys

    Variety for YT

    Hi, I would like to hear what everyone feeds their yellow tangs for variety? Mine doesn't seem to like anything but Emerald Entree frozen cubes and seaweed in a clip? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks
  9. mytwoboys

    My Clean Up Crew is here. Pros & Cons

    Glad to see your thread, as I just received my order last thursday and out of the 5 scarlet crabs, 1 was out of the shell dead on arrival and 2 more died that night, then I had the same experience you did with the Astrea snails, I was really disappointed. Then my blue legged hermit crabs ate a...
  10. mytwoboys

    firefish swallowing air?

    What does Pickling lime do?
  11. mytwoboys

    Pics of My 95g

    Nice shaped tank, looks nice.
  12. mytwoboys

    HELP! my green brittlestars insides are out

    I have no idea why it's so high, never had a prob before. I will do another w/c tonite too. When I woke up this morning he was back to his old spot, back to eating and preying again, and seems perfectly fine now, his legs appear to be healing, but not sure about the hole in the top...
  13. mytwoboys

    HELP! my green brittlestars insides are out

    Hi, I posted this on the disease section too tonite as I couldn't remember which one I had done, it is 1:30 am after all. :) My perimeters are: Ph 8.0 , ammonia .25 , nitrite 0, nitrate is really high, like the highest it shows on the chart. 1) Don't know about predator attack, had him...
  14. mytwoboys

    HELP My Green Brittlestars Insides Exposed

    Hi, My perimeters are: Ph 8.0 , ammonia .25 , nitrite 0, nitrate is really high, like the highest it shows on the chart. 1) Don't know about predator attack, had him for at least 5 months w/ current fish, no one ever bothers him, 2) definitely not distended disk syndrome as I watch him eat...
  15. mytwoboys

    HELP! my green brittlestars insides are out

    Attached is a pic, my star had a little white patch yesterday, then at night it looked like a rip with a little salmon colored spot sticking out, then this morning the patch is huge and his insides are exposed. The salinity is normal as it has been for the last 4 or 5 mo.s, everyone else is...
  16. mytwoboys

    HELP My Green Brittlestars Insides Exposed

    Attached is a pic, my star had a little white patch yesterday, then at night it looked like a rip with a little salmon colored spot sticking out, then this morning the patch is huge and his insides are exposed. The salinity is normal as it has been for the last 4 or 5 mo.s, everyone else is...
  17. mytwoboys

    will this work out?

    I've attached a pic too.
  18. mytwoboys

    will this work out?

    I have a 55g, live rock, live sand, and I am getting the lights and powerheads before I get the condi, so I was told to get a full spectrum 10,000 I think and a acinic(ah crap, I can't spell it right), is that right? I only have room for 1 light on either side. And I don't know which kind of...
  19. mytwoboys

    will this work out?

    I'm wondering if I can have a condi w/a yellow tang, fire gobies, some kind of angelfish, a green brittlestarfish and a clownfish, oh yeah, there are peppermint shrimp, blue legged hermit crabs and nassarius snails too. Are these ok w/a condi, or bubbletip?
  20. mytwoboys


    Hi, I have a 55g sw fo tank, with a fluval 404 canister filter running and 3 little like dinky things that put out a little streams of water in the tank to keep the water moving, everythings fine, but I would like to know what I need to get to get real ones, and what are the ones that move...