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  1. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    I think its sold, but I will post if the guy backs out!
  2. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    Well I did a little research on the shipping. The best quote I was able to find is from Freight 101...... (zip 33023) 2 days $326.07 2 days Guaranteed $381.28 Zip 08536 5 days $422.60 5 days Guaranteed $664.12 Let me know.
  3. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    No I have not . Can you give me a bit more information on these sites? Thanks for your help!!
  4. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    I am not interested in parting out. Let me check on shipping and I will get back with you. If you have time to check out the shipping also that would be great so I can make sure I am not missing anything.
  5. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    sorry it has taken so long to get back with you, I have a lot of family in the new orleans area. my zip code is 77382. For everything without the rock and fish, I am thinking $400. let me know what you think
  6. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    ok here are some pics before I added any fish. As soon as I can find out what in the world is going on with my digital camera I will post more detailed pics Thanks
  7. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    I have had the tank set up for 6 months now, but I am not sure how long it was set up before. I am looking for people to make offers on what they think it is worth. I will post pics tonight. Also, I will have to check into the shipping for this. thanks
  8. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    72 gallon Bowfront Ocienic tank with black canopy and stand. Wet/dry filtration set-up with protien skimmer. Wavemaker. Fake coral rocks. 15lb. salt/test kit/misc. supplies Fish: 20 snails Koran Angel Hawkfish 3 blue damsels This was a project pawned off on me which is too much for me to handle...
  9. splice01

    72 gal Bowfront & Equipment For Sale in Houston

    72 gallon Bowfront Ocienic tank with black canopy and stand. Wet/dry filtration set-up with protien skimmer. Wavemaker. Fake coral rocks. 15lb. salt/test kit/misc. supplies Fish: 20 snails Koran Angel Hawkfish 3 blue damsels This was a project pawned off on me which is too much for me to handle...