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  1. kaseykagan

    Spots on Sailfin

    Spots have not moved!
  2. kaseykagan

    Spots on Sailfin

    There are both mushrooms and bubble tip anemones in the tank......the spots have cleared up and almost disappeared in the last couple of days!
  3. kaseykagan

    Spots on Sailfin

    in the last picture...look at the bottom of the black bar coming down from his eye. Right on the bottom of that bar and the next black bar in, there are three spots. They are fairly large. They are a brown color. He is also swimming in the current, going to the cleaner shrimp and scratching...
  4. kaseykagan

    Spots on Sailfin

    you mean you can't see the pictures at all or you can't see the spots?
  5. kaseykagan

    Spots on Sailfin

    These spots are showing on my Sailfin....looks to large to be ich! However he is behaving as if it is! Scratching, going to cleaners and swimming in the currents. We have had him 9 years...really don't want to loose him. Any suggestions on what it is and a treatment!
  6. kaseykagan

    ID this Anenome Please

    When open he is a creamy white with a green tint! Pretty different than most I have seen!
  7. kaseykagan

    Identify this anemone

    I got this anemone today and was wondering if anyone had any idea what it was! The color looks like custard, white and greenish....very different! It also looks like it has 2 teeth at the mouth!
  8. kaseykagan

    Fan question

    We have the Coralife - 72" AQUALIGHT PRO HALIDE STRIP 150w and one of the 4 vents on top do not have any air blowing out like the other 3 do. Just wondering if we may have a fan gone or is it due to the placement of the fans in the system? Maybe someone with the same system can answer for us. Thanks
  9. kaseykagan

    Chocolate Chip Starfish growth

    Do you have your Chocolate Chip in a Reef Tank?
  10. kaseykagan

    Starfish Question

    Is a Chocolate Chip Star Fish and a Horned Reef Star Fish both the same. If not are either Reef Safe?
  11. kaseykagan

    Please ID

    So it is harmless right?.... are those holes mouths and do it actually feed? Are they any benefit?
  12. kaseykagan

    Please ID

    This thing is about 1 inch in diameter and has been in our tank for about a year. It has 3 small holes that appear to be mouths, however we have never actually seen it take in food. It don't seem to be any harm and has not spread. We are just curious as to what it is!
  13. kaseykagan

    Please ID

  14. kaseykagan

    Our BTA Split!!!

    We had 1 large BTA yesterday and when I looked in the tank tonite there were 2!! I did not even know this was possible. What caused it and is this a good or bad thing?
  15. kaseykagan

    HELP with Clean Up Crew

    We have a 155 gallon Reef Tank. Our fish so far consist of: Yellow Belly Regal Tang Sailfin Tang Flagfin Angel Diamond Goby 2 Clowns Bicolor Blennie 2 Banjii Cardinals 2 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Blood Shrimp 4 blue and red legged hermit crabs A few snails Just wondering what fish would be beneficial for...
  16. kaseykagan

    Flagfin with Clam

    I could not resist...I went and bought the Bi-Color Blennie...he is a great addition to the tank...what a personality he has! I guess we will see what happens when we get the CLAM
  17. kaseykagan

    Flagfin with Clam

    I read it online and my LFS
  18. kaseykagan

    HELLO EVERYONE, just some pics of my new 120 reef

    What kind of Blennie in there?....and do he touch your clam?
  19. kaseykagan

    Flagfin with Clam

    I have now been told that I cannot get a Bicolor Blennie or a Goby with a Clam.....Is this true? Maybe I should forget the CLAM! What other fish cannot go in with a CLAM?