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  1. homebrew

    Red Algea Again

    Originally Posted by jacksdad Homebrew: A little off topic, but what kind of beer do you make, kit or all mash? Before my brewing partner moved away I used to make homebrew also. Our niche was specialty brew. Coffee stouts, raspberry wheat, etc. I really miss brewing. Bob "Kit or mash?"...
  2. homebrew

    Do you ever use another word?

    Guilty of sometimes doing what Tizzo does (open Word to spellcheck or use the thesaurus to find the word I wanted) and if I can easily think of another word and don't feel like going to the trouble... YUP GUILTY of just changing it. :notsure:
  3. homebrew

    Red Algea Again

    Most of the anti-cyano products can help knock it back or temporarily kill most of it, but IMO you are on the right path of trying to cure the problem instead of the symptom (water changes, cut back on feeding, etc.). Cyano cylces and can keep coming back until the cause is fixed. I found...
  4. homebrew

    anyone from Charlotte, NC

    Yup... those are the ones. It's been a while, so I'm going to have to go check them out again soon. I usually head North for LFS. The one that closed in Rock Hill was Herp Aqua. Did you stay up all night setting up your new tank? You may want to check out our local reef club if you want to...
  5. homebrew

    Charlotte, NC reefing scene

    Jason, Check out my homepage for info on Charlotte area LFS and our local reef club. HTH, Greg
  6. homebrew

    anyone from Charlotte, NC

    Close to Rock Hill (I live in Fort Mill) are the previously mentioned Fintastic and Hi-Tide. One store in Rock Hill that used to carry SW closed and another on Cherry Rd didn't do SW last year, but that may have changed. If you are interested in a local (Charlotte area) reef club, click my...
  7. homebrew

    my new lionfish shed

    FWIW, according to Anthony Calfo, sloughing can be a "sign of extreme duress. Usually comprised of mucus, it is tripped by a virulent parasitic infection, or more often by severe changes in water quality (ammonia burn, acidosis from low pH, overmedication, etc" However, it can simply be an...