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  1. garvondavi

    Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol

    by the way, this is what it was called at the site this picture is from: Pink Cynarina Brain coral...i was kind of thinking maybe this is what it is
  2. garvondavi

    Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol

    ok, sorry, thanks for putting the image up there for me though.
  3. garvondavi

    Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol

    if that is what it is, i'm guessing they like a lot of light, right?
  4. garvondavi

    Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol

    i found this, it looks a lot like mine, only it doesn't have the green mouth like mine does, and its a lot bigger at 2.5" ***sorry links like this are not allowed on this board***
  5. garvondavi

    Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol

    ok, this came on some live rock, has been in my tank a month or a little longer, it is kinda redish, smaller than a dime, has a bright green mouth in the middle.... this is blurry and crappy, but shows the green mouth some...
  6. garvondavi

    jelly fish????

    I'm pretty sure the hydroids are only dangerous to dwarf sh's...
  7. garvondavi

    MH or T5?

    I'm starting up my 63g.. building a reef...i was wondering what would be a better choice, two 250W Metal halides or 8-tube t5? I was wondering performance-wise, and also money-wise...the initial cost of the setup isn't important, but the cost that will add up from bulb replacement. Thanks.
  8. garvondavi

    Post pics of your most expensive animal! guys get to enjoy cheap prices! Around here, the clowns cost 40 and up for about 1 1/2 inchers, the triggers are at least 50 for babies, over a hundred for a larger one...everything here is outrageous.
  9. garvondavi

    Catalina Aquarium?

    Has anyone ever used a catalina aquarium product? I am considering buying a powerhead/water pump from them, but I don't know much about the quality. Thanks.
  10. garvondavi

    Best Place to buy LR?

    What do you guys recommend for buying uncured live rock on the net. I'm talking about a combination of price and quality...I'm not looking to buy terrible rock for super cheap, but I'm also not looking to buy the most expensive out there. I have a 63gallon that I'm starting, looking for for...
  11. garvondavi


    Where is the cheapest place to get t5 ballasts....i am planning on using four to six on my tank. Thanks.
  12. garvondavi

    Where can I find

    Where are some places you can get good deals on metal halide bulbs and ballasts? I'm slowly piecing together my reef tank, and i am trying to aquire metal halide without spending an arm and a leg...if that is possible. By the way, my tank is 63 gallons, so I am looking to get two MH bulbs over...
  13. garvondavi

    Lighting question...will this work?

    I am planning on upgrading my lighting to metal halide. I visited, and they seem to have very good deals on ballasts and bulbs...i was wondering if anyone coulod tell me if the 175 watt ballast i am looking at would be acceptable, i would most likely buy two. also, what else would...
  14. garvondavi

    skimmer trouble

    i got this skimmer used from a friend...he had it maybe five or six months...i finally got it to work right though, producing foam now, not just filling the collection cup with water.
  15. garvondavi

    skimmer trouble

    I have a prizm protein skimmer...the first few times i have run it, the collection cup has filled up with pretty much only water, no foam, and has done so in less than two hours. i reduced the flow rate dramatically, but to no avail. has anyone else had this problem, and does anyone have any...