Can Someone Please Id This For Me...finally? Lol


New Member
ok, this came on some live rock, has been in my tank a month or a little longer, it is kinda redish, smaller than a dime, has a bright green mouth in the middle....

this is blurry and crappy, but shows the green mouth some...


Looks kinda like an open brain coral to me...I would have said a polyp but it looks like it's not flat like a polyp, but more 3-D like a open brain...
just my guess...


Active Member
When it grows up it will be easier to tell. Right now it looks like something good, not a pest.
Good luck with it.


Active Member
The LFS has one on a rock full of eagle eye zoos. There's Protopalythoa (which I don't like) on there too, otherwise I'd buy it.


New Member
i found this, it looks a lot like mine, only it doesn't have the green mouth like mine does, and its a lot bigger at 2.5" ***sorry links like this are not allowed on this board***


New Member
by the way, this is what it was called at the site this picture is from: Pink Cynarina Brain coral...i was kind of thinking maybe this is what it is


It looks like a green/brown palythoa to me. If you have several in a month than you will know. Carrie