Search results

  1. sandsifter

    mushrooms detatching?

    I've had some mushroom corals for about a year. They have been in the same location the whole time. Lately they are starting to detatch and drift around the aqarium. Water is testing out fine but is this a sign of something being wrong? My MH bulbs are over a year old could this be the problem?
  2. sandsifter

    ph problems please help

    I have a 75 gal reef with a sump and a pump that pumps 1500 gph. I have recently stopped dripping limewater and started using reef advantage calcium, reef builder, and marine buffer. My numbers look like this: Alk:10 dKH, Cal: 360ppm, salinity: 1.025. The problem is that my ph is staying around...
  3. sandsifter

    Power of the sun

    No offense taken. But I happen to know for a fact that there are coral farms in the northern United States that propagate corals in greenhouses. I also know that in the summertime they have to put filters over the greenhouses to filter a small percentage of the sunlight because it is too strong...
  4. sandsifter

    Power of the sun

    From what I have read, the sun is the best way to grow corals. There are some things you have to consider though. Different corals come from different depths in the ocean, therefore direct sunlight in a tank that is 20 inches deep is going to be too much for a coral that is usually found in 10...
  5. sandsifter

    protein skimmers

    I have a 75g tank and I am using turboflotor multi. Not sure that it is doing a good enough job. Looking to change sumps and maybe skimmers also. Just wondering what types others are using, and likes and dislikes. Also is it possible to over do it with skimmers?
  6. sandsifter

    Georgia Aquarium

    I went there on Monday. Pretty cool place. Mostly salt water displays. There was live coral in the reef exibit. The corals I saw were: montipora, xenia, trumpet, mushrooms, and maybe some brains. Worth checking out but the crowd is pretty big.
  7. sandsifter

    Kalkwasser ??

    I do have a few hard corals and definitely want more but want a good way to keep my water levels good before getting more corals. I use a float valve and a resevior for top off water so I won't be adding all at once. Thanks for the info, think I'm going to start dosing kalk.
  8. sandsifter

    Kalkwasser ??

    I am currently using a two part additive, but thinking of switching to kalk. Hoping someone would help with a few ?'s. 1. Is it really important to only dose at night? 2.Does it matter if my calcium requirements are pretty low. 3. If you only dose kalk, do you have to add strontium and...
  9. sandsifter

    Hair Algae Dilemma

    I have a lawnmower blenny and he does eat hair algae but only when it is really short. I would check your nitrates and phosphates. Are you using filtered water for top off and water changes? If not you probably should because most water supplies are high in contaminates. Once you find the...
  10. sandsifter

    water changes?

    Thanks for the replies. My water parameters are fine, just curious what everyone else did.
  11. sandsifter

    xenia still dieing

    Things I have read about xenias seem to suggest that they are very strange. They will do great for long periods of time and then crash for no apparent reason.
  12. sandsifter

    Salt mix survey

    saltmix: Reef Crystals salinity: 1.024 temp: 78 alk: 4.5meg/L cal: 350ppm test kits for alk and cal are seachem tests. I also use deionized water.
  13. sandsifter

    water changes?

    Just curious what the percentage and the frequency that most of you do. I have a 75gal with only 7 corals, 4 fish, and lots of live rock. I change 10gal every 2 weeks. Is that sufficient?
  14. sandsifter

    can bristleworms sting zoanthids

    The last couple of weeks my zoanthids have been staying closed a lot. They are opening but not completly. There is a bristleworm that has set up shop in the rock directly under the zoos. I started with one polyp and now have only five and really don't want to lose them. Thanks.
  15. sandsifter

    clownfish eggs?

    We recently noticed that our clownfish laid some eggs. Now there are only a couple left and I was wondering if there is a chance for survival? Are the eggs gone because they hatched or did something eat them? We have the two clowns, a lawnmower blenny, and a citron goby. Also have a couple of...
  16. sandsifter

    Moving Xenia?

    We bought a small colony of Xenia a couple of months ago. Now we have about four different groups all about the same size as the original. They are all attatched to a very large rock but are separated from each other. I was wondering if it is possible to remove a group or two in order to...
  17. sandsifter

    trumpet coral placement??

    Thanks for the help, I will try moving it up a little. Maybe things will turn around for it.
  18. sandsifter

    trumpet coral placement??

    The trumpet has actually been in my tank for a few weeks now. All of my water parameters are good except the calcium and alk. Which hopefully after today the calcium will be in an exceptable range. But if the trumpet wasn't geeting enough light it would probably be darkening instead of...
  19. sandsifter

    trumpet coral placement??

    I have read these corals are sensitive to direct metal halide lighting. I have a 75 gal with two 175w 10K bulbs. Should I keep the coral on the bottom or move it up in more light? The reason I ask is because it is not recieving full direct light and it seems to be bleaching. I have also had...
  20. sandsifter

    calcium reactors?

    i have been using a two part additive and just can't seem to get my numbers where i want them. i have been thinking of buying a calcium reactor, i have read up on them but i was hoping for some reviews from those who know. thanks