trumpet coral placement??


New Member
I have read these corals are sensitive to direct metal halide lighting. I have a 75 gal with two 175w 10K bulbs. Should I keep the coral on the bottom or move it up in more light? The reason I ask is because it is not recieving full direct light and it seems to be bleaching. I have also had trouble with calcium levels but lately my numbers are about: Alk 3.5meg/l, Cal 350 ppm. Just wondering if it is a light or a calcium issue. Thanks.


Active Member
When I introduce LPS I always put them on the sand to start. If you added it to your tank and it appears to be in trouble it is either your water conditions, or way too much light or you didn't acclimate it well. LPS seem really sensitive to ammonia, reacting pretty quickly. Did you test your water? Calcium is not likely to be an issue soon after adding the coral to your tank.


New Member
The trumpet has actually been in my tank for a few weeks now. All of my water parameters are good except the calcium and alk. Which hopefully after today the calcium will be in an exceptable range. But if the trumpet wasn't geeting enough light it would probably be darkening instead of bleaching, right?


Active Member
Not always, sometimes too much light can make 'em turn brown too. If it is getting indirect light, try moving it into the light a little more.