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  1. hoycetee

    before and after

    heres my anemone 5 months ago and heres him now. his size has doubled
  2. hoycetee


    i've put my clowns in my tanks with lights on and they are better then ever, it shound't be a problem. maybe if your fish was sent to you packaged in complete darkness and you opened it in a bright room and put hin in a tank with lights on you might have a problem there. but yah lfs means local...
  3. hoycetee

    help my naso

    well thanks for your respones. i proboly should of waited a few more months to get the naso, but i thought i would try. but if my calculations are right i have atleast 660gph running through my display. and she was eating, so what you say about cyanide could be part of the problem. but i highly...
  4. hoycetee

    help my naso

    well thanks for your response first off. well my tank is about 4 months old now and i have setup a sump a week or so before i got the naso. i have used a fluval canister before that where i ran carbon there it, but i ran carbon for a day after i got sump completly running. i've always thought...
  5. hoycetee

    anemome foot

    could i have burnt him with my mh lights, now that i'm thinking :notsure:
  6. hoycetee

    free sump

  7. hoycetee

    help my naso

    see how her dorsal fin is all up and spiked, it was like she was all tightend up with her body arched and fins spiked in the last hours she was alive, while doing flips and circles
  8. hoycetee

    help my naso

    heres the last ones i got
  9. hoycetee

    help my naso

    heres the day before she died
  10. hoycetee

    help my naso

    here one before
  11. hoycetee

    help my naso

    well you know how naso's get those white spots on them when the lights first turn on, and then there gone in a minute. one day she was covered in them as you can see in the pick, i wish i would have got a better picuture of it. but the spots were atleast 1/8" round and bigger then the bottom...
  12. hoycetee

    anemome foot

    i have like 3-4 inches of sand and he is pretty sticky as i went to move im a little he stuck and his reaction was fast, he seems fine and eating i was just wondering why he would unattach and just stay like that, it has been 5 days now.
  13. hoycetee

    help my naso

    its not ich, all my other fish are fine. but she did die earlier, the spots on her where just like the spots that come on every time you turn the lights on, i know what ich looks like and it wasn' t ick
  14. hoycetee

    help my naso

    i forgot the pic, here it is
  15. hoycetee

    help my naso

    well here she is now, she tries to swim but goes in circles and flips, neveer sine anyhing like it, i think she's on her last breaths, don't know what to do :help:
  16. hoycetee

    help my naso

    what all tests should i do besides ph,amonia,nitrate,nitrite. think any other tests would be part of problem
  17. hoycetee

    help my naso

    i've done that, all tests are good to go, tank has been stable since i set it up(i transfer from my 120 to inwall 125 2 months ago) everything else in my tank is fine, b sides my enemone untatched himself from under rock and been like that for a couple days now
  18. hoycetee

    help my naso

    it 's not becaus of the lights turning on, i think its dieing, and i don't know why
  19. hoycetee

    help my naso

    its not ich, these fish get these spots when lights turn on or stressed, but these spots are turning almost soloid white, i just checked on her and she was spining in circles, i think i'm goona loose her
  20. hoycetee

    help my naso

    i found my naso today sitting in the corner of my tank almost laying on his side so i took her out and put her in my qt tank. she kinda swims around but just sits on the bottom covered in those white spots. any one have any idea whats wrong, or what actions i should take. need help fast!