help my naso


i found my naso today sitting in the corner of my tank almost laying on his side so i took her out and put her in my qt tank. she kinda swims around but just sits on the bottom covered in those white spots. any one have any idea whats wrong, or what actions i should take. need help fast!


Hoycetee, Did you review the thread regarding "Diseased Fish"? You will find lots of good info there. Looks like you fish may have Ick...


its not ich, these fish get these spots when lights turn on or stressed, but these spots are turning almost soloid white, i just checked on her and she was spining in circles, i think i'm goona loose her


Originally Posted by hoycetee
its not ich, these fish get these spots when lights turn on or stressed, but these spots are turning almost soloid white, i just checked on her and she was spining in circles, i think i'm goona loose her

Did u just turn the tank lights on or something? Naso's do this. They get white spots on them either while sleeping or while stressed. It is nothing to worry about-however, why it is showing these is something to be worried about. If you just turned the lights on or something, I wouldnt worry.


It's stressed-test your water params...something is stressing it out, they dont just randomly do this. I would test your parameters and see where they stand as a first step.


i've done that, all tests are good to go, tank has been stable since i set it up(i transfer from my 120 to inwall 125 2 months ago)
everything else in my tank is fine, b sides my enemone untatched himself from under rock and been like that for a couple days now


...hmm, if your anemone is acting weird too, somethings gotta be up...not sure...wait for Beth to help u out on this one...


what all tests should i do besides ph,amonia,nitrate,nitrite. think any other tests would be part of problem


well here she is now, she tries to swim but goes in circles and flips, neveer sine anyhing like it, i think she's on her last breaths, don't know what to do :help:


Staff member
What you describe sounds like ich to me. Is there a problem with doing hyposalinity? Why do you think it is not ich?


its not ich, all my other fish are fine. but she did die earlier, the spots on her where just like the spots that come on every time you turn the lights on, i know what ich looks like and it wasn' t ick


Staff member
Sorry to hear she's gone. But what spots? Can you describe them? Just curious, though it is too late now.


well you know how naso's get those white spots on them when the lights first turn on, and then there gone in a minute. one day she was covered in them as you can see in the pick, i wish i would have got a better picuture of it. but the spots were atleast 1/8" round and bigger then the bottom started turning all white and she was spinnig circles and doing flips with her body at a curve. semmed like she was triyn to swim but couldn't, all she could do was sipn in circles and do flips, never seen anything like it before. it's almost like it was so streesed out it die. once i found her laying at the bottom of my display (not really laying but sitting against a rock) i took her out and put her in qt(all water straight from my display, so no changes would stress her out more) but she only lived in qt for about 4-5 hours. but thats all i really know .
my other fish tomato and maroon clown are both fine and looking better then ever, but still wonder why my anemone won't attach himself back to the bottom of my tank(but thats a nother topic)
but the naso is the only fish i would like to have and will try again but not for a while cause they cost a good chunk of change for one. but i have heard there chance of survival for a small one is'nt very high(is that true do you know). she was only 3" max. well i hope any of this what i said helps out any, fell free to ask anything cause i would like to know what happen, cause the first 2 weeks i had her she was fine then one day she was gone it seemed like.
i'll post a couple pics in a second


see how her dorsal fin is all up and spiked, it was like she was all tightend up with her body arched and fins spiked in the last hours she was alive, while doing flips and circles