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  1. apeks

    Best Sand Cleaners

    i got a sandsifter gobie, those things turned my sand from a darkish color back to a brilliant "orbit gum" white. it was a godsend
  2. apeks

    Grape Caulerpa Taking Over!

    Originally Posted by bozfamily how big is your tank? tangs love it its a 12g JBJ nano cube... thats a no go on the tang unfortunately
  3. apeks

    Grape Caulerpa Taking Over!

    ya its been a nuisance and i have been just taking it out by hand. several times i have taken out all the rocks and inspected them for any trace of the algae, but somehow it always manages to come back. :mad: so i was just hoping if there was an 'easy button' for this nuisance
  4. apeks

    Grape Caulerpa Taking Over!

    Okay I've been fighting the longest war with grape caulerpa algae ever since I voluntarily introduced it (dumb mistake I'll always regret). Anyways, I was hoping to see if anybody has found any means of getting rid of it. I'm more aimed at getting a fish or invertebrate that is reef safe which...
  5. apeks

    How long is your lunar lighting on for?

    Just wondering how long everyone keeps their lunar lighting on for. Personally I have it set for about 4 hours after the rest of my lights go out. Is it better to keep them running longer or even all night? it was kinda just a random thing that came to me :jumping:
  6. apeks

    red slimey algae

    woops ya i just thought he was talking about cyano hence the post name is 'red slimey algae'
  7. apeks

    red slimey algae

    do you have enough water circulation? alot of times the red slime algae is caused because the water is a bit too stagnant
  8. apeks

    Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1

    Originally Posted by jacksdad Apeks: I just wanted to let you know that your skimmer went out today and you should recieve it early next week. Thanks for being patient and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Bob cool thanks alot. the way i see it, i originally asked...
  9. apeks

    Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1

    i have the jbj 12g
  10. apeks

    Millmod Nanocube surface skimmer v1.1

    looks freakin sweet, can you e-mail me at for all the info plz? From what ppl r saying, it looks like I'm very interested in ordering one of these, same with some other folks I know that have the problem with surface scum
  11. apeks

    20g + 10g Show (img ext)

    awesome looking tank dude, thats one lucky clownfish. that is definately sumthing to be proud of
  12. apeks

    Anyone have one of these tanks?

    Littleliza, The 12g JBJ Nanocubes are simply awesome. I've set up several smaller tanks, and had no luck with them simply because there wasn't enough lighting for anything to be supported in the tank. Recently, I purchased a JBJ 12g Nanocube from it has 4 24 watt PCs, an LED...