red slimey algae


New Member
having ongoing problem with green algae on the glass in my 12 gal nano. Water readings are good, changed water, new charcoal bag and i added a phosphate bag as well. I clean the glass and within a day the algae is back. Timer set for eight hours of light, trying not to overfeed.
Any ideas for how to address this problem.
I have two false perculas that seem to be doing well, fifteen pounds of live rock, and eighteen pounds of live sand that i set the tank up with.



New Member
do you have enough water circulation? alot of times the red slime algae is caused because the water is a bit too stagnant


Originally Posted by Apeks
do you have enough water circulation? alot of times the red slime algae is caused because the water is a bit too stagnant
yea circulation can cause cyano, but i thought he was asking about the green algae on his glass...


New Member
ya i just thought he was talking about cyano hence the post name is 'red slimey algae'