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  1. yzfr1

    grouper compatibility

    I have a 240g with a 8" Coney and recently hasve been offered a 10" Blue lined Grouper. I was just wondering if anyone keeps multiple groupers in a tank without too much fuss between the two.. other tankmates include 12" porcupine 8" Picasso 8" dragon wrasse 12 Emperor angel <4> 6" blue hippo tangs
  2. yzfr1

    large Picasso in Seattle/ must go

    You want a large Picasso, I got one!! Seattle area [hr] I've had this guy for about 3 years now, he is about 7-8 inches and just too large for his tankmates to handle....anyone interested let me know at located in the Seattle area
  3. yzfr1

    You want a large Picasso, I got one!! Seattle area

    I've had this guy for about 3 years now, he is about 7-8 inches and just too large for his tankmates to handle....anyone interested let me know at located in the Seattle area
  4. yzfr1

    larger picasso for salel in seattle

    [hr] I have about a 5" picasso that needs to go. I've owned the fish for about 3 years and he is very healthy, just a little too aggresive for what I have him in with. He is to the size that if he nips at other fish it causes serious damage! Please be aware larger tankmates only, I will not sell...
  5. yzfr1

    Large Picasso For Sale In Seattle

    I have about a 5" picasso that needs to go. I've owned the fish for about 3 years and he is very healthy, just a little too aggresive for what I have him in with. asking price is 25.00 email at if interested
  6. yzfr1

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    Ya I did some research online and it seems like lockjaw is whats happening, strange because its usually due to poor diet. I feed mine squid,fish chunks, small beach crabs and shrimp dipped in selcon or zoecon. I have a half assed crazy idea though, I once had to take a large piece of liverock...
  7. yzfr1

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    Lock jaw, I've never heard of that! Should I quarantine, I do have a 15 gallon quarantine tank but at the moment it has a unicorn tang... Is lockjaw a disease than can spread or a malfunction on the fish? thanks I tried to feed it again and saw the mouth start to open but not enough to allow any...
  8. yzfr1

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    I forgot to mention that the other lionfish is fine and shows no signs of stress. other tankmates include a coney grouper, emperor angel, harlequin tusk and dragon wrasse...all other fish are doing okay
  9. yzfr1

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    Okay here is the situation. I have 2- 12" Volitans in a 240g. These fish have been together over 2 years and everything was fine. I went on vaction for a week and had a friend come by once to feed everybody. When I got back I noticed one started to stay near the bottom and also looks like it was...