lionfish acting stranger than normal


New Member
Okay here is the situation. I have 2- 12" Volitans in a 240g. These fish have been together over 2 years and everything was fine. I went on vaction for a week and had a friend come by once to feed everybody. When I got back I noticed one started to stay near the bottom and also looks like it was breathing harder and deeper than before. It was feeding normally and would come to the top and eat but after that it starts to head back to the corner on the bottom.
I figured It may pass and I checkad all the water parameters and all is fine.
Today I tried to do a feeding and it came up to the top and I saw it snap at the food but it then dropped it to the bottom and my grouper swallowed it. I tried this 2 other times with the same result.
It looks as if his mouth wont open maybe? I've heard of them breaking jaws which result in a open mouth but in this case I'm uncertain. Also the breathing is still deep and long..
Any feedback or help would be appreciated....thanks


New Member
I forgot to mention that the other lionfish is fine and shows no signs of stress.
other tankmates include a coney grouper, emperor angel, harlequin tusk and dragon wrasse...all other fish are doing okay


New Member
Lock jaw, I've never heard of that! Should I quarantine, I do have a 15 gallon quarantine tank but at the moment it has a unicorn tang...
Is lockjaw a disease than can spread or a malfunction on the fish?
I tried to feed it again and saw the mouth start to open but not enough to allow any food..


Active Member
search the forum of lock jaw. I think its too late for your lion, i MAY BE WRONG THOUGH.
what other fish do you have?


New Member
Ya I did some research online and it seems like lockjaw is whats happening, strange because its usually due to poor diet. I feed mine squid,fish chunks, small beach crabs and shrimp dipped in selcon or zoecon.
I have a half assed crazy idea though, I once had to take a large piece of liverock that my other lionfish had decided to gulp down out of its mouth because it was stuck in there for 4 days!
I use 15 mil abrasion resistant gloves and picked it out and use a chopstick to remove the liverock.
I may try this with this lion and see if his mouth may be opened a little.
The only problem with this is the stress on the animal and I dont really want to hurt him but I dont want to watch him waste away either....
let me know what you think
other tankmates include a coney grouper,another voilitan, emperor angel, harlequin tusk and dragon wrasse...all other fish are doing okay


Active Member
at this time you should start adding garlic extreme to your tank 1 drop per every 10 gal.this will help maintain your lions imune system doung the time he wont feed.lockjaw is a sign of malnutrition in can qt him at this time but may stress him out more being moved.making him subsepable to other forms of illness.but concidering the siz your your fish is in its much more resonable to qt him and melafix and pima fix him asap. hope im not breaking any rules here but i think he needs this site asap