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  1. frank2005

    adding new rock and sand to established tank?

    the only thing i had in my tank was a clownfish and some GSP and i think the reason my GSP wound up dying was because my lights wasnt all that great it just wouldnt grow and one morning i woke up and the clownfish was in the little slit that the water blows out of. how he got in there is still a...
  2. frank2005

    adding new rock and sand to established tank?

    okay? how long would it take to show up if i tested tomorrow afternoon and my levels are fine should i take that as a sign my water levels are stable again or could that just mean the water hasnt had a chance to spike yet?
  3. frank2005

    adding new rock and sand to established tank?

    Hey guys, i recently added about 16 lbs of live rock and about 3 lbs of live sand to my already established 24 gallon nano cube. Its been up and running for about 2 years give or take and everything had died not that i had much to begin with. So the tank is empty besides the water rock and...
  4. frank2005

    anyone use sunpod hqi lamps?

    i had bought 20” SunPod 1X150W 14K HQI for my nanocube a while ago but i think somethign was wrong becuase the lighting looked awkward and i was thinking about trying it out again see if it happened again. If anyone uses this light can you post pictures of your tank? Thanks
  5. frank2005

    maroon clownfish?

    hey i was gonna order two maroon clownfish off *********** but they dont come as pairs so will they get along if i order them? and i have 3 ocellaris clownfish in a 470 gallon and i have 2 bta's do you think they will fight or no?
  6. frank2005

    Best Tang for 100+ tank - Not Yellow!

    how about a black tang, or if you can afford and find it a gemtang
  7. frank2005

    do these look unhealthy?

    didnt mention but the last pic is a week before i took the first pic
  8. frank2005

    do these look unhealthy?

    heres a pic of where you can see base a little this was a week ago
  9. frank2005

    do these look unhealthy?

    they were under 20,000k metal halides and mine is 10,000k metal halides
  10. frank2005

    do these look unhealthy?

    i just got them about a week or two afraid they are rotting away..i moved the toadstool down low away from light seems to do better when the lights are off
  11. frank2005

    do these look unhealthy?

    was just wondering if these looked unhealthy...does anybody think they have any chance and if so what can i do to save them... :help:
  12. frank2005

    flashlight fish info?

    i was interested in purchasing one or two of these fish. Was just wondering if anyone has any information on them? reef safe? aggressive? ect... thanks
  13. frank2005

    flashlight fish info?

    i was interested in purchasing one or two of these fish. Was just wondering if anyone has any information on them? reef safe? aggressive? ect... thanks
  14. frank2005

    Lets see-full Tank Shot

    around 1000 lbs live rock...not my whole tank its hard to take a pic of the whole tank its 9' long so it cuts off my right side a bit but you get the point
  15. frank2005

    photo diary (490 gallon)

    more pics..sorry if they are blurry...still messing around with this new macro lens...
  16. frank2005

    photo diary (490 gallon)

    about 1000 lbs? somewhere around there give or take
  17. frank2005

    photo diary (490 gallon)

    the ones at the beginning got deleted but there should be some near the bottom of this thread. Is anyone else having trouble?