Lets see-full Tank Shot


that is one big tank! Very nice! I love looking at all of these tanks from every one ... they are all so nice
I have about 50 lbs of live rock at least in the 75.
40 lbs of crushed coral, ( I know... but the engineer goby loves to burrow.)
10- 20 lbs of live rock in the 10 gals
crushed coral in on about 1 inch
10 lbs of sand in the newer one
Reef boy 12 :
you're not too far from me, so when you get set up , we can probably do something with the xenia...
love that stuff.... adds a lot of movement to the tank... love the way it pulses


around 1000 lbs live rock...not my whole tank its hard to take a pic of the whole tank its 9' long so it cuts off my right side a bit but you get the point


Active Member
wow!!! those are some big tanks....everyones tanks loookssss awesome!!!
heres mine, 125g, 90lbs of lr, since july of 2006


Active Member
man this is getting annoying..I like they way it looks...so what if its fake..I dont go crying about everyones tank who i dont like...get over it..its not yours


dude, your going to get good and bad replies about everything, so when somebody says something bad dont sulk about it, if you want nothing but happy comments then post pictures on www.happy.com or somethin, and when you post something theres a chance somebody wont like it, so if you dont want badness, then dont post.


but seriously, do you know how big those plants will grow? could you send me a frag of it when they get super big?


goodwin9, are you building a room around the tank? it looks like it is in an unfinished area?? just curious... it looks GREAT though

rabid frog

Active Member
wow nice tanks. One day I will be able to go big. Im kind of pushing it have my 75 in an apartment..
Once again nice tanks.


Active Member
ill play! my 150g
i lost track or how much LR, but i have an extra 50# coming to me next week

its in the midst of many upgrades so be nice.
moved from my 75 FOWLR that was started in march '05, reef march '06


Originally Posted by puffer32
Here's my 150

I just LOVE your redheaded wrasse. I want one in the worst way! :happyfish
Beth ***)


OMG...I love everyones tanks soooo much! Murph...if you ever decide to give up SW I would be glad to take your tank for ya :jumping: LOL..i cant wait till my looks like that!!


Oh and Martini....I LOVE you colors...wow! :cheer: Very bright!!