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  1. saltydog21

    Toadstool Leather Coral

    Hi Do I need to bury these in the sand or is it ok just to let them sit on top of sand. And should they be on the bottom of the tank or placed on some rock closer to the lights. I have an Outer Orbit Light
  2. saltydog21


    :jumping: :jumping: I have a 70 gal with live sand. The tank I have came with a built in sump, it containns the following compartments. Heater, pre-filter compartment and then a compartment with the power head attached to a pipe and that all sits in another fabric type filter. Then there is a...
  3. saltydog21


    I am being over run with the stuff. I have two Tangs, several crabs,wrasse,angel fish. I leave my lights on for 8 hrs, I use test strips to check my water and it all seems to be fine. What can cause such a growth of alge and how can I keep it under control. I look at other setups here on the...
  4. saltydog21


    :jumping: it is a 300 watt theo
  5. saltydog21


    :jumping: Hi! I just learned a great leason on heaters! They appareently throw out an electrical current in the water and slowly kill of the fish. I was doing a water change today and as I put my hand in teh water and everything was shut off except the heater I could feel a tingling in my hand...
  6. saltydog21

    Brisstle worms

    :jumping: I am being over run with these pain in the butts! I have a 75 gal reef tank any suggestions. I am using a trap have caught some. :jumping:
  7. saltydog21

    anyone bought fish from this site

    Yes I have had great experience with them, great fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. saltydog21

    What is killing my fish

    My tank is 75 gal and it has been runing for a cpl of years
  9. saltydog21

    What is killing my fish

    I have one fuzzy dwarf lion fish, 2 multi colored anemones, one coral beauty, 3 cardinals, one clown. I had two engineering gobies and a flame angel and 3 fire gobies. they are all gone in about 7 days. Couldthe lion fish be doing all the damage or is it the anemones
  10. saltydog21

    Can't find Tropic Marin Pro

    *Link Removed* carries it
  11. saltydog21

    Tank Was Shut Off

    :jumping: :jumping: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My tank was shut off, by accident. I lost almost all my fish. Can I restock my tank or do I need to recycle the tank? The gobies are doing fine, but lost angels,tangs, wrasse. :jumping:
  12. saltydog21

    would a lettuce nudibranch be a good addition

    I have had nudis to control bristtles worms. No problems
  13. saltydog21

    Trying for ich free tank!

    I read an article somewhere on the net and you can never really get rid of ich, the best you can do is control it. Water temp is key and also use garlic extrac. It works!
  14. saltydog21

    Saltwater mixes???

    I use Tropic Marin for the past 2 years and it's great.
  15. saltydog21

    tube anemone ?

    I have one so far! They are very easy to take care of. They like cyclopes-ez frozen and also the phytoplankton liquid
  16. saltydog21

    Doyou need a Refugium??

    Hi! Thanks for answering my question! This is such a great place to meet people and get good information. My proteine skimmer and sump are inside the tank.
  17. saltydog21

    Doyou need a Refugium??

    What is a Refugium? I see a lot of talk about them, but I don't know what it is.
  18. saltydog21

    Cleaner Clams

    I know this is a really dumb question, but is there anything special I have to do with my cleaner clams. Do I place them a certaine position in the tank or just let them lay where they fall. Also how do I know if they are alive? They don't open up or move around the tank.
  19. saltydog21

    Wrasse Question

    Don't buy a lunar wrasse they eat all fish. I have a six lined wrasse and a fairy tale wrasse trhey r great
  20. saltydog21

    NEW Live sand in an existing tank

    :jumping: Is it alright to add sand to an established tank? If so how much can you add at a time? I have a 5# bag.