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  1. gordruls

    You want a good deal? look at this..

    **** *******************************************************. You would need to go to www.****.com and put in the number above
  2. gordruls

    What's wrong with the church today?

    You all have left me speechless...You are all so far off the reason you go to church and what religion stands for I don't even know where to start. YOU GO TO CHURCH TO HONOR GOD THAT'S IT! YOU TAKE COMMUNION TO RECEIVE JESUS INTO EVERY CELL OF YOUR BODY! I AM SORRY "YOU" ARE NOT GETTING...
  3. gordruls

    Best deals you've gotten

    I got a 150 gal bow front, stand, full of live rock, PC lighting, pumps, filter, power heads, 12 fish, skimmer all for ARE YOU READY....$500.00 He sold it all because the main pump went out and he said he was not going to put another penny into the set up. I tapped the pump with a hammer and it...
  4. gordruls

    aiptasia worries?

    I stick them with lemon juice. You can get a syringe at walmart in the [hr] . HOW EVER YOU GET RID OF THEM DO IT SOON FOR THEY WILL TAKE OVER YOUR TANK!!! I HATE THESE THINGS!!!
  5. gordruls

    Would you buy 2 lights or 1?

    I have a tank that is 6" long. I can use 1 72 inch light fixture or 2 36 inch light fixtures. The price is about the same, as is the watts. Does it matter what way I go? I am thinking T 5.
  6. gordruls

    What do you think about T5 lighting? help!

    Sorry guys I have not been on here for a while and I don't know anything about T5 lighting. I have a 150 gal bow front tank 6 feet long with soft corals. I need new lighting. What watts will I need ? and Do you all like it? Thanks
  7. gordruls

    What do you think about T5 lighting? help!

    Sorry guys I have not been on here for a while and I don't know anything about T5 lighting. I have a 150 gal bow front tank 6 feet long with soft corals. I need new lighting. What watts will I need ? and Do you all like it? Thanks
  8. gordruls

    Snowflake Eel Won't Please

    Thanks for the reply..I did take some rock out when I moved him. He is in a 125 gal tank with some damsels. He has been living in a large sunken ship I have in there. I may want to put some of the rock back. I also will try some of the food ideas you suggested.
  9. gordruls

    Need cover for a 125 gal tank..

    Where can I get a cover for a 125 gal tank 5'?
  10. gordruls

    Snowflake Eel Won't Please

    I have a 2' Snowflake EEL that ate well before moving his tank to a new location. All water levels are fine. He used to eat shrimp and now he smells it and goes away. it's been over a Month since he has eaten. Is there anything else any of you feed your EEL? I am out of idea's.. Thanks
  11. gordruls

    125 gal set up w/rock Vidalia Ga

  12. gordruls

    125 gal set up w/rock Vidalia Ga

    If anyone is interested in a nice 125 gal tank. stand. full of rock, lots of fish,2 to 3 foot Snowflake eel, skimmer,PC light, Bio ball filter, and much more...MUST PICK UP SOON!!!.. $800.00 call 912-538-5540 Day or 912-537-7779 night If you leave a message I will return your call. I also have...
  13. gordruls

    Can you use a salt water tank for fresh ...

    Can you use a aquarium that was once used for salt water, for fresh water fish? I have had 2 that about 2 months after set up the water gets foggy and I can't seen to get it clear even with major filtration. Or the question should be how do you get cloudy water clear in a fresh water tank? I...
  14. gordruls

    Target is NOT a French Company

    They took Christ out of Christmas!!! That is why they are being boycotted. Until they go back to say Merry Christmas and stop printing and say Happy Holidays, I will also continue to Boycott them. The Boycotting works ..Look how Walmart went back to saying Merry Christmas. P.S. I DON'T CARE...
  15. gordruls

    Very Very Cool Video!
  16. gordruls

    How do you get rid of red algae ?

    Can you help me out ..I have it growing in a 150 gal reef tank.
  17. gordruls

    What are these things crawing on my glass?

    Can you tell what these white things are that are crawing around on my glass?
  18. gordruls

    New Ship and Seahorses in love...

    So far it's been a piece of cake caring for them. Raising babies is a different story.
  19. gordruls

    FS: 90 and 75 Gallon Tank and Stand

    I will take the 90gal ..Pay pal sent Thanks