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  1. talksalt


    where at in south florida are you?
  2. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    tnt, if it comes down to it I may have to take you up on that offer. I think my fish could do a little time under a few watts I have from another light. Let me see what I can come up with elsewhere and then I will shoot you an email. I am pretty sure the legs I have now will work on your 20" If...
  3. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 oh, and no...actually i am in we would have to ship to each other but i dont think it would be that bad. I cant have my tank without light that long. Thanks though :)
  4. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 ive got a Satellite fixture--24" 65W w/moonlight Do you have a pic or a link to that model? I just want to see how it will fit the 10gallon. Are you in the Port Richey/New port richey area? Thanks in advance.
  5. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    Still looking for a trade. Different brands will be considered with similar watts.
  6. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    No, They have the quad 20" 96W :) A new one is of equal value to the 36" I have.
  7. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    No thank you :) But I will keep you in mind though. I dont really want to go that low in watts. If anybody has anything similar, like different brand around the same watts 50/50 20" please let me know. Legs? No legs? :)
  8. talksalt

    WTT: Your 20" Coralife 96W 50/50 for my 36" 96W 50/50 Local pickup Only Pasco Florida

    This light is brand new pretty much. I have had it on my tank for two days since this post. The online fish store sent me the wrong one after I ordered the 24" 36W. They said to keep if I wanted or send back for the new one. I kept so I could trade for a 96W 20". The 20" must be in working order...
  9. talksalt

    custom ~300 gallon in the making, questions

    Originally Posted by matty0h_52 Thats a pritty cool idea, if you can pull it together. i think the only problem would be the weight. what is the structure sitting on? what kind of rock are you thinking of useing? glass and cement? i dont think they would stick, what are you useing to creat a...
  10. talksalt

    custom ~300 gallon in the making, questions

    Right, the glass will not be touching each other. The rock & cement will be acting as the weld between the two is the best way I could explain it. Thanks for your feedback :) -Dave
  11. talksalt

    custom ~300 gallon in the making, questions

    Hello all, I am pretty new here but have been lurking for a while. I dont post as much on here as much as I do on other forums for my other hobby (computers/web development). Anyhow, I currently have a 75 gallon and its about 8 months old. Well, I have fell in love with tangs! I currently have a...
  12. talksalt

    Florida or close to it

    Over here on the west coast. Port Richey, Florida Off of US19 My LFS is called Aquariums down in Tarpon. Nicely kept place & clean tanks. -Dave
  13. talksalt

    Blue Hippo?

    Originally Posted by SMoney Yeah, but it was cruel and unusual punishment. it was ridiculous, their was so many live rock and he barely had any room to move. I misunderstood you from the first, I thought you agree that its ok to have them in that size since you stated that the lfs had them in...
  14. talksalt

    Blue Hippo?

    Originally Posted by SMoney I have seen a bunch of those blue tangs that are tiny and at one of the fish stores, they had a 3 inch tang in a 24 or like 30 gallon nano tank. Which is not of permanent residence. :)
  15. talksalt

    Naso Tang

    Hello bull, My Naso did the same. He wouldnt eat for the first 2 days of having him then he started eating Omega One Marine Flakes. He loves it! I also got him dry seeweed but will only eat when it turns very soggy and laying in the sand. Good luck with your Naso. -Dave