Blue Hippo?


Active Member
I would have to agree with Connor. Your decision to NOT listen to our advice. He will get stressed out and very likely get ICH and or die. Just wait for when you have a bigger tank. Not flamin ya, but why ask if you are not going to listen?


When I first started I made a mistake of putting a 2 inch Blue Tang in my 65 gallon. Boy I was wrong she was a cool fish but caught ich withing a week and she died within 2 weeks. I don't know if she was stressed from the size of the tank she didn't look stressed but she probaly was. That was in a 65 gallon so in your 29 gallon think about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
i think i am gonna buy one they arnt that big!!
why ask for advice if you dont care what other people think
the tang will get stressed , get ick, and die!


Active Member
Even the small ones need lots of swimming room! And if you are lucky enough (which i doubt) to get it to live long enough to grow, it will die then, so why be cruel, just don't do it, thats the humane way to be :mad:


Active Member
Please dont get one!! Hippo tangs have to have lots of swimming room to live, even the smallest one's. That would be plan out mean to put one in a 29gal. I hope u understand were just trying to help you not flame ya.


wow... you guys really layed into him......

I would have to agree with them though. a 1" hippo tang would be ok in a 55g minimum. But would need a bigger tank eventually.


Active Member
well i think he should as long as he has a future plan for him...
i have been seeing a lot of those small hippo tangs..
they are like less than a inch


Yeah that wouldn't be a bad plan if he has a bigger tank for the future. Blue Tangs are very frustrating and although beautiful fish with the ich they get and they usually just hide in rocks if i'm not mistaken, I think there are more active fish out there people should try. I do like Blue Tangs though.


Active Member
I have seen a bunch of those blue tangs that are tiny and at one of the fish stores, they had a 3 inch tang in a 24 or like 30 gallon nano tank.


I apologize for my comment above I immediately thought he was flaming just to start a thread for no reason.


New Member
Originally Posted by SMoney
I have seen a bunch of those blue tangs that are tiny and at one of the fish stores, they had a 3 inch tang in a 24 or like 30 gallon nano tank.
Which is not of permanent residence. :)


Active Member
Yeah, but it was cruel and unusual punishment. it was ridiculous, their was so many live rock and he barely had any room to move.


New Member
Originally Posted by SMoney
Yeah, but it was cruel and unusual punishment. it was ridiculous, their was so many live rock and he barely had any room to move.
I misunderstood you from the first, I thought you agree that its ok to have them in that size since you stated that the lfs had them in those tanks.
I reserve the right to misunderstand and be wrong

My apologies.