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  1. puppy_fish

    callin all Texans

    Austin - I love my LFS. I have a 75 gal reef.
  2. puppy_fish

    90 gallon reef 125 gallon FOWLR

    How long have you had your mandarin? My tank is just over a year old and I would love one, but hear they are difficult to keep. What do you feed it? Oh, and gorgeous pictures!
  3. puppy_fish

    Identification? Anyone?

    It is now about the size of a silver dollar.
  4. puppy_fish

    Identification? Anyone?

    Can anyone tell me what this is? It came on a piece of live rock, and has been growing like crazy - A Blastomussa?
  5. puppy_fish

    72 gal bow - Opinions Welcome!

    It is a mushroom coral (sarcophyton) Inhabitants - 1 Foxface Rabbitfish 1 Scribbled Rabbit 1 6 line Wrasse 1 Kole Tang 1 Royal Gramma 3 Crocea Clams Green Open Brain Xenias Pipe Organ Favias Hammer Coral Emerald Crab Cleaner Shrimp Peppermint shrimp Red Cynarina Green and Purple Mushrooms...
  6. puppy_fish

    72 gal bow - Opinions Welcome!

    Thanks for the responses! I only use RO water, and I'm embarassed to say that I don't know what kind of salt I use. I get it pre-mixed from my LFS. :notsure: I have metal halides. No carpet anemone. I don't want an anemone right now. At least not until I get a bit more experience.
  7. puppy_fish

    72 gal bow - Opinions Welcome!

    Hi - Kinda new here. This is my tank, will be 1yr old in August.
  8. puppy_fish

    Weekend photo feature:

    BEAUTIFUL pictures.... I am kind of new here and will post some of mine soon. Am soooo jealous of your Mandarin! Gorgeous!