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  1. bigdog0

    Do i have a rare tank....

    when i say rare, i mean rare to get a long, been together for a few months, the tangs and butterflys are 4-5" the blueface is 5-6" shark is 6" sting ray prob 3.5-4" diam. parrot if 4" cow is also about 4"
  2. bigdog0


    what is your feeding regimen? i feed twice a day Form 1 & 2, 2 mysis, 1 brine a cube of clam, squid and krill 2nd Form spirulina, angel and trigger, 2 mysis, 1 brine, 1 cube of squid and krill might soon be adding stingray and shark form
  3. bigdog0

    Do i have a rare tank....

    ok, so i have a blue face angel, a parrot, a stingray, a bamboo shark 3 butterflys a longhorn cowfish and a purple tang and powder brown and they all eat formula and don't attack each other....oh ya, and a purple queen anthia that eats mysis, and a knoby star, a pink cucumber and 2 large...
  4. bigdog0

    Do i have a rare tank....

  5. bigdog0

    Puffer and Lobsters

    really....they attack fish, i have 2, well one blue one red they don't touch any of my other fish, i just might have been getting a map puffer so i was wondering....
  6. bigdog0

    Puffer and Lobsters

    no one in this whole place knows the answer to this ha
  7. bigdog0

    Puffer and Lobsters

    can you keep a puffer with a couple of LG spiny lobsters?
  8. bigdog0

    Sad Sad Day!!!!

    well nothing else in my tank could have done it, maybe my angel but he didn't have a nip marks on his "wings", be basicly got stuck, then the crab jumped him...
  9. bigdog0

    My 125, let me know what you think

    ya i thought about using that but i prefer natural things, like i beat ick with rasing the tank to about 84 and using garlic every feeding, 1 drop per forzen cube, and also a couple fresh water dips. i've had no problem with aptesia, if i did my butterflies would destory it! ha
  10. bigdog0

    My 125, let me know what you think

    umm no almost true haha FU**ING FISH!
  11. bigdog0

    My 125, let me know what you think

    well that crab is huge....he atually killed the crab that was in that shell that was double his size to take the shell and then todya he killed a stingray i bought last night....bout ready to kill him.....or atleast take him back
  12. bigdog0

    Puffer tank question

    ok, my friend just bought a little 1.5" map puffer and has him in his 30 gal tank right now....will he do okay in there for a little while?
  13. bigdog0

    Sad Sad Day!!!!

    so yesterday i bought a little 4" stingray....i moved all my rock aroud for him to have more space, when i came home today he got stuck behind a rock and my 1.5" hermit crab killed him....i was SO UPSET and mad!!!
  14. bigdog0

    My 125, let me know what you think

    wiht my refiguium, calp. and actually my atinic balast is going out, so only 110w may have had something to do with it, but i think mostly my calp.
  15. bigdog0

    Fuman Chu

    about 2" i would say
  16. bigdog0

    Putting Lions together

    i have a 1.5 - 2" fuman chu, i was wondering if in a 125 gal i could ALSO get a dwarf?
  17. bigdog0

    Looking to see those butterfly fish!!!!!

    i have 3 of them....paki, golden and a blackblack....i LOVE Them and crazy enough the are the hardiest fish in my tank....i've had an ick outbreak and none of them got it or were affected at all.....all i feed mine is all frozen, formual 1,2,angel formula and siprlina formula and brine and...
  18. bigdog0

    Fuman Chu

    here is a pic of the little guy, just felt i should show it ha
  19. bigdog0

    My 125, let me know what you think

    ok, so i'm getting over my red slime its almost completly gone, g2 love green calp. This is a pic of my ble spiny thats in the tank...but he just molted so here is his exo.
  20. bigdog0

    lets see some of your rockwork

    i feel like i don't compare to some of the others here ha....