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  1. ktoland

    New Tank

    Could someone please please please lte me know what kind of equipment I need to set up my first tank?? If you have any imput on good and bad brands that would be great as well!!!! Thankyou sooooo much :jumping:
  2. ktoland

    Fish Combinations

    Is it ok to put a Percula Clown in with a Porcupine Puffer? Also what do the diffrent temprements mean? :help: :help:
  3. ktoland

    New tank needs???

    I'm getting my fisrt saltwater tank!! I am sooo excited. Could anyone tell me some of the good brands for filters, heaters, and skimmers and mybe let me know the things that I need to get a good set up for the fish?? Thank you sooooooo much!!
  4. ktoland

    Fish Temperaments

    Could someone please please please explain to me the diffrence in all the diffrent types of temperaments?
  5. ktoland

    I'm starting my fist saltwater tank...

    Hi everybody! I'm very excited about starting my first saltwater tank but I need some major advice!! If anyone could tell me what type of filters/heaters/stuff to make the water salty enough, that would be awesome!! Thanks :cheer:
  6. ktoland

    Puffer Fish

    What size tank do you think the Porcupine puffer would be happy in? It grows 2-3 inches.
  7. ktoland

    Puffer Fish

    Thank you sooo much! I'm working on my first saltwater tank and I'm trying to decide which fish I want.
  8. ktoland

    Puffer Fish

    Do all puffer fish have to be put in at lest a 100 gallon tank?