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  1. <3fishchef

    filtration help

    ok i have a 12 gal aquapod with 15 lbs of lr and 24lbs of ls and in the back i have 4 chambers in the first one on the left i have a sponge, in the next one i have ceramics and carbon in the next one i had bioballs (got rid of them) and in the last one i have the heater and the pump. my question...
  2. <3fishchef

    orange slug in New LR

  3. <3fishchef

    orange slug in New LR

    i think it looks like those the pictures are kind of blurry. so are they bad?? and do you kno what they are called? thanks matt
  4. <3fishchef

    The Spotted Mandarin in a NANO?

    would the Psychedelic Mandarin be a good candidate for a 12 gal reef tank because ive heard mixed suggestions.
  5. <3fishchef

    orange slug in New LR

    it was smooth and it look like it had a shell for a beannie. it was crawling like a slug. i have no idea. i just hope its not harmful
  6. <3fishchef

    orange slug in New LR

    i will if i can find him again. i saw him once and then he disappeared. do you have any ideas of what it could be?
  7. <3fishchef

    stocking 12 gal nano

    would a pair of clownfish be too much for a 12 gal tank? what else could be added?
  8. <3fishchef

    orange slug in New LR

    Im starting a 12g nano and just got 10 lbs of LR i arranged it nicely in the tank and i noticed an orange slug comming out of one of the pieces. is he/she bad or is it ok to keep?
  9. <3fishchef

    12 gal nano BIOballs?

    But wut would happen if i were to use LR and the bioballs? is it double the goodness or hurtful in some way?
  10. <3fishchef

    12 gal nano BIOballs?

    i was reading what other people have been posting and one of the things i read was about bioballs. I have to ask now.. Are they good or bad for a 12 gal nano..any input would be great..thanks MJ
  11. <3fishchef

    R/O mistake

    that little bit of copper would do damage? thanks for your help
  12. <3fishchef

    R/O mistake

    i recently started a 47 hex and i used treated tap water. i forgot however 4 weeks later that i have copper pipes. so any hopes of anemones are shot down. my question is; if i do a few 20 or 30 percent water changes with R/O water will i be able to accomidate for anemones and not have to cycle...
  13. <3fishchef

    cycling help

    thanks for your input..but the rock i bought i believe was cured. i bought it from a reputable fish store here in providence. thanks again
  14. <3fishchef

    cycling help

    my 47 hex is in the process of cycling; i have live rock in it and im waiting for my paycheck to add i was wondering if it is normal for the nitrates and nitrites to be through the roof? and will adding more live rock will help that? is it too late to add live sand? any help and input...