R/O mistake


New Member
i recently started a 47 hex and i used treated tap water. i forgot however 4 weeks later that i have copper pipes. so any hopes of anemones are shot down. my question is; if i do a few 20 or 30 percent water changes with R/O water will i be able to accomidate for anemones and not have to cycle allllll over?? thanks


Do the water changes you mention then test for copper and see what you get. Maybe even do a before and after test for comparison just for curiousity's sake :joy: I'd be really worried that even if the "after" test shows no copper it may be present in the silicone.


that little bit of copper would do damage?
It could. Some organisms like anemones and corals are HIGHLY sensitive to even tiny amounts of copper. And when copper gets into the tank it can work its way into the silicone then leach out slowly over a long time.
Now how MUCH copper got into your tank and how MUCH anemones and such can tolerate if any AT ALL I can't say. Personally unless someone who has more knowledge about this comes along to correct me I'd say do your water changes with RO/DI water, test for copper, when the tank is ready if it tests negative for copper I'd try out ONE very hardy specimin of some sort then see how it does. If it does fine you could go ahead cautiously. If not step back and evaluate why it didn't. If everything else seems perfect but you still lost it it *could've* been the copper even if the test for it was negative.
Someone who knows more about this please :help: ?

bang guy

Originally Posted by <3FishChef
that little bit of copper would do damage? thanks for your help
Probably not. Copper problems from tap water are related to a long term buildup usually over several years. You can expect excess algae for a while though.