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  1. jones

    The Defecit!

    We've been through all this, over and over again. Because you say you understand the constitution and the courts doesnt make it true. Youre still the guy who believes taxation equates to sweeping control of the government. And as for what I do for a living, any of personal information about...
  2. jones

    The Defecit!

    It truly is amazing how much hatred and aggression you have bottle up inside. With all your religious zealousness, one would think you might be a bit different. You really should speak with someone about this, a psychiatrist maybe.
  3. jones

    The Defecit!

    much better, thankyou for the clarification. :hilarious
  4. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius well since you obviously have the authority to make such a claim, with your vast reservoir of intelligence (pun is definitely intended here), you must be right. That's not even close to a pun. Go do yourself some learnin.
  5. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius you're continuing to offend. define "this poor guy"? don't assume the position to look down on me as "this poor guy". if you want to compare education, or wealth, or however else you define "poor", let me know. Oh my...I honestly meant that with no offense. I meant...
  6. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by ruaround I forsee a lock or a deletion coming soon... there is no need for name calling... simply debate your points and move on... Cant we all just get along??? Yeah, you're definately right. And I also foresee myself being banned from this site for egging this poor guy...
  7. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius why don't you go back and read this thread from the beginning and see that YOU were the one that started the unnecessary badmouthing which such statements as "backward logic", etc. that's because you know you're wrong and losing the argument that you had to resort to...
  8. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius yeah, a government sponsored school that dictates what your children will and will not learn at the dime of the taxpayer adds as much to society as churches. if you are too narrow minded and boneheaded to see the good that churches do in every community, that's your...
  9. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius yeah, a government sponsored school that dictates what your children will and will not learn at the dime of the taxpayer adds as much to society as churches. if you are too narrow minded and boneheaded to see the good that churches do in every community, that's your...
  10. jones

    Need some Photo shop help

    I have to say that was a good job, especially the pic where you took the boats out.
  11. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius it also makes no sense that a person with no children has to pay taxes that go to building new schools. and don't tell me about how these schools add anything positive to society, because that's another debate. If that's another debate that you don't want to hear...
  12. jones

    The Defecit!

    On a side note. This is an issue that I never even gave much thought at all to before reading this thread. Many just arguments could be made for the reasons that religious activities are not taxed, and I could very easily see myself possibly being convinced by them. I would just like to...
  13. jones

    The Defecit!

    I found this one interesting....... **** Reporting Requirements Churches are automatically tax-exempt without the requirement of filing an Application for Tax Exempt Status (Form 1023). While other 501(c)(3) entities must report their financial status, activities, and compensation paid to...
  14. jones

    The Defecit!

    Social Security Taxes (FICA) Except for those employees engaged in unrelated business activities, a church can elect to exempt its employees from FICA. To obtain such an exemption, the church must certify that it opposes such taxes for religious reasons. The exempted employees will still be...
  15. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius this housing allowance is no different than any allowance than anyone else gets. so the claim about ministers getting to spend their tax free money on big screen tv is hogwash. It's much different than an allowance that other people get, read below. ***2. Ministers...
  16. jones

    The Defecit!

    :hilarious Ok, you got me. You're right, taxation equates to "endorsement" by the government allowing that organization that's taxed to make governmental decisions. And if they can't make sweeping decisions then they are being taxed without representation. Why ofcourse, it's because the...
  17. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius is this official or unofficial? I don't know of any written law that says that bearing a child is a socially responsible thing to do. I'm not even going to respond to this nonsense. Ciao
  18. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius If you tax a church, then they become a corporation no different than Walmart or GM. Really? I'm taxed, many times. I'm not a corporation. I thought one had to become incorporated to become a corporation. Not just be taxed. And we're not talking about taxation...
  19. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius what church money is being used to lobby for certain things? some halfwit that stands on a street corner with a noose around a doll's neck preaching against abortion is not speaking on behalf of a church. a city councilman that puts a statue of Jesus on the front...
  20. jones

    The Defecit!

    Originally Posted by Pontius again, answer with some logic on why a church donation should be taxed, but the examples I mentioned above should not be? Maybe because the other tax write offs are given to encourage growth or improvement of some sort that is felt to directly or indirectly benefit...