The Defecit!


It truly is amazing how much hatred and aggression you have bottle up inside. With all your religious zealousness, one would think you might be a bit different. You really should speak with someone about this, a psychiatrist maybe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
It truly is amazing how much hatred and aggression you have bottle up inside. With all your religious zealousness, one would think you might be a bit different. You really should speak with someone about this, a psychiatrist maybe.
you should be able to see it, since it mirrors your own. I blame myself for allowing you to bait me into stooping to your level. as far as the last sentence, what do you do for a living? because unless you have some professional designation that gives you such wisdom to make that recommendation sight unseen, I couldn't care less about your silly opinion. based on your opinions through this thread, I would suggest that you go get a better understanding of how the courts interpret the Constitution and apply this to law.


We've been through all this, over and over again. Because you say you understand the constitution and the courts doesnt make it true. Youre still the guy who believes taxation equates to sweeping control of the government. And as for what I do for a living, any of personal information about me is absolutely none of your business. You actually wanted to brag about how much money you make and compare? How old are you for crying out loud, thats the sort of thing a child in grade school would do. If you don't bulldoze that grade school and replaced it with a religious propoganda machine that is. I've had this window open way too long as it is. You can be proud, you have given me a bad taste for this sight, I'm done with it. If you read back through this entire thread, I think you will see who really is the one who got more and more upset when he didn't get his way and no one saw his point of view. I am definately guilty of purposely perpetuating your irritation I admit. How does it feel to be so weak minded that you are so easily, heavily upset by some guy on the internet. I think you really do know that your inteligence s severely lacking, otherwise you wouldn't get soooo upset when you cant convince someone that youre right, youre right, because you say so and youll always be right. Ive spent enough time with you. And trust me, when I say something like that I actually mean it. I've definately tired of this. Enjoy your life Pontius, but keep in mind that if you don't learn to control that anger, you probably never will enjoy it too much. Not when people can soooo easily control your emotions. Later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
We've been through all this, over and over again. Because you say you understand the constitution and the courts doesnt make it true. Youre still the guy who believes taxation equates to sweeping control of the government. And as for what I do for a living, any of personal information about me is absolutely none of your business. You actually wanted to brag about how much money you make and compare? How old are you for crying out loud, thats the sort of thing a child in grade school would do. If you don't bulldoze that grade school and replaced it with a religious propoganda machine that is. I've had this window open way too long as it is. You can be proud, you have given me a bad taste for this sight, I'm done with it. If you read back through this entire thread, I think you will see who really is the one who got more and more upset when he didn't get his way and no one saw his point of view. I am definately guilty of purposely perpetuating your irritation I admit. How does it feel to be so weak minded that you are so easily, heavily upset by some guy on the internet. I think you really do know that your inteligence s severely lacking, otherwise you wouldn't get soooo upset when you cant convince someone that youre right, youre right, because you say so and youll always be right. Ive spent enough time with you. And trust me, when I say something like that I actually mean it. I've definately tired of this. Enjoy your life Pontius, but keep in mind that if you don't learn to control that anger, you probably never will enjoy it too much. Not when people can soooo easily control your emotions. Later.

if your qualifications are none of my business, then don't claim such qualifications that would give you any insight to make a recommendation for me. if I have in any way helped you see that this site is not for you, I must give myself a pat on the back, because your brand of banter isn't for this site. I wanted to brag about how much I make? nope, not until a nitwit like you wanted to refer to me as "this poor guy". Thanks, I enjoy my life a lot, and I thank God and government for ALL the tax write offs that I get to affect your taxes. with my donations, student loan,

, wife, and child, I affect your taxes a lot, thanks. enjoy your life as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
actually, I believe the amendment was written to protect the citizens from a particular church, as all major nations had basically been ruled by a government sponsored religion up to that point.
That's what I meant by protecting church from state. But I also think it should be rule of the majority. If the majority of people in congress wish to say a christian prayer before a session, it is voted for in favor...then what is the problem?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
That's what I meant by protecting church from state. But I also think it should be rule of the majority. If the majority of people in congress wish to say a christian prayer before a session, it is voted for in favor...then what is the problem?
They do already. Dont they? They have a chaplin and he says Christian prayers I think.


Active Member
--The free men of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects? that the same authority which can force a citizen to contribute three pence only of his property for the support of any one establishment, may force him to conform to any other establishment in all cases whatsoever? -- Memorial and Remonstrance, June 1785


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
--The free men of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects? that the same authority which can force a citizen to contribute three pence only of his property for the support of any one establishment, may force him to conform to any other establishment in all cases whatsoever? -- Memorial and Remonstrance, June 1785
Well if this isnt written in typical twisted no one can understand and maybe misconstrue legal jargon!!!


Active Member
John Adams,
"Checks and Ballances, Jefferson, however you and your Party may have derided them, are our only Security, for the progress of Mind, as well as the Security of Body. Every Species of these Christians would persecute Deists, as soon as either Sect would persecute another, if it had unchecked and unballanced Power. Nay, the Deists would persecute Christians, and Atheists would persecute Deists, with as unrelenting Cruelty, as any Christians would persecute them or one another. Know thyself, human Nature!" -- letter to Thomas Jefferson, 25 June 1813